Exactly right, Sony and Microsoft are trying to have a dick measuring contest with their hardware just to see who can fuck Lizzo.
Microsoft might have had a chance if they didn't let every studio under them go full retard on woke bullshit instead of going back to what saved their sorry asses during the 360 era through high T games and open chat free for alls calling people faggots.
As for Sony, I've heard a lot of praise for Astrobot, and sure enough it was developed by a small Japanese studio of passionate gamers. The only hope they have is that the new Japanese CEO pulls back on every single thing from the West.
You have games like God of War that devolved into God of Woke, which started off because Cory Barlog became a father when no one asked who the actual dad was given what a cuck faggot he turned into. Guerilla went from Killzone to Horizon Zero DEI, Insomniac went from Resistance: Fall of Man to Spooderman, Sucker Punch went from Ghost of Tsushima to Ghost of Wokegay, and of course Naughty Dog went from Uncharted and TLoU to TLoS2 and 4B in Space. That isn't even touching on their moronic live service failure parade and failing upwards morons.
I would be so fucking livid if I actually bought a PS5 seeing the scant few shit games they've managed to squeeze out.
I still need to play all the Resident Evil remakes, plus Village.
You know, at least Capacom manages to relase both new games and the remakes.
Also, I'm a dumbass: how do you properly link the @X? Are the numbers from when you hover over?