Misc Refugee Thread


<Gold Donor>
That is not how pro-choice/pro life means. One is exclusionary of the other. You can not be pro choice in case of rape and pro life in case of electives abortion. That means being intellectually dishonest.
No you fuck, it means that I understand the societal need. While I have a moral objection to it I understand that we probably need it. Kind of like Free Speech, I can disagree morally with someone and still see their right to speak. I don't think abortion is a right, I think it is murder but no matter what I think it is still going to happen so I would it be safe. I like the old phrase safe and rare. I also think sex work should be legalized to protect everyone involved.

Also look at my previous post I made an EDIT and added some stuff after you quoted me.
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Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
It's words on a screen dude, calm the fuck down. Heaven forbid you have sharpen your argument and provide proof or some semblance of logic. If you are that easily rattled by words on screen
View attachment 424682

I literally posted that yesterday on a majority leftie forum that I also frequent. They get so mad


<Gold Donor>
I literally posted that yesterday on a majority leftie forum that I also frequent. They get so mad
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
No you fuck, it means that I understand the societal need. While I have a moral objection to it I understand that we probably need it. Kind of like Free Speech, I can disagree morally with someone and still see their right to speak. I don't think abortion is a right, I think it is murder but no matter what I think it is still going to happen so I would it be safe. I like the old phrase safe and rare. I also think sex work should be legalized to protect everyone involved.

Also look at my previous post I made an EDIT and added some stuff after you quoted me.

You see... this is a change

I am an independent but I cannot vote for the candidate/party that...
...wants to reverse Rowe vs Wade,

I don't think abortion is a right, I think it is murder but no matter what I think it is still going to happen so I would it be safe.

It is a 100% change. Reversing Rowe v Wade WAS the removal of the right.

So your position on that topic changed dramatically.
You went from "I can not vote for someone who wants to remove the right of abortion", to literally ... " I don't think abortion is a right,"

PS: I think it is fine to have your positions change over time, but dont pretend your current positions are left of the old center
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  • 1Potato
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<Gold Donor>
You see... this is a change

I am an independent but I cannot vote for the candidate/party that...
...wants to reverse Rowe vs Wade,

I don't think abortion is a right, I think it is murder but no matter what I think it is still going to happen so I would it be safe.

It is a 100% change. Reversing Rowe v Wade WAS the removal of the right.

So your position on that topic changed dramatically.
You went from "I can not vote for someone who wants to remove the right of abortion, to literally ... " I don't think abortion is a right,"
No you fuck, I still feel the same way about abortion. I never thought it was a right and it never was a right, Abortion is NOT in the Bill of Rights.

The one thing I changed was my feelings on Trump and Republicans. I was under the illusion (as explained above) that Dems were the lesser of two evils, I was wrong. The parties take turns being more evil. I am still an Independent, I do not agree with Team Red or Blue on all matters. Much like this board does not 100% represent me or I it.

I am still pretty much the exact same on all positions as I was before, the parties have changed more than me. The Left used to be perceived as the party of free speech, funny how that has shifted so much. This is in the context of my life and my perception based on the information I consumed, I was born in the 1970s.

I have always welcomed immigration, but I have always said it needs to be done legally. Shit I remember arguing with my Super Left Aunt about that very subject back in like 2006. Regarding the rest, I am in no way racists. Shit dude I played college sports people of all races creeds and colors were my team mates, I gave no fucks about that shit. I have always been pro-Gay Marriage and I do not care that Bob wants to be Barbara. I do care about grooming kids and compelled speech. These things are not hard to reconcile.


Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I don't know what to tell you.

To claim that going from " I would never vote against anyone who would reverse Roe v Wade" to "abortion is not a right" does not represent a change of a position is just covering your ears and going "lalalalala".

You do you.
  • 1Potato
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<Gold Donor>
I don't know what to tell you.

To claim that going from " I would never vote against anyone who would reverse Roe v Wade" to "abortion is not a right" does not represent a change of a position is just covering your ears and going "lalalalala".

You do you.
You are a fucking moron, you are getting hung up on semantics and your made up perception of me. My stance on abortion is still the same, again you are confusing it with my uniformed stance on Trump. I was wrong about Trump. I think abortion should be legal, but I have never said it was a right. You are trying to argue the only way to get to 4 is 2+2, you are forgetting 3+1 and all the other ways to get there.

I just love that you are hung up one little thing that you think is a gotcha when it is not, mean while completely ignoring the proof I provided all that shows how wrong you were on all the other items.

I can admit when I am wrong Lend, like I said about Trump can you admit being wrong about anything? Or are you really just the disingenuous fuck that we all think you are.


Holy Shit
Since I was colossally wrong on the founding tenet. Feel free to select my avatar for the next month.

Kudos Dude! Color me impressed by this sudden personal growth.
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
You are a fucking moron, you are getting hung up on semantics and your made up perception of me. My stance on abortion is still the same, again you are confusing it with my uniformed stance on Trump. I was wrong about Trump. I think abortion should be legal, but I have never said it was a right. You are trying to argue the only way to get to 4 is 2+2, you are forgetting 3+1 and all the other ways to get there.

I just love that you are hung up one little thing that you think is a gotcha when it is not, mean while completely ignoring the proof I provided all that shows how wrong you were on all the other items.

I can admit when I am wrong Lend, like I said about Trump can you admit being wrong about anything? Or are you really just the disingenuous fuck that we all think you are.

You are saying that "I would never vote for a party that want to repeal Columbia V Heller" .. then 8 years later say: "I don't think the right to self defense exists...." And pretend it is not change of mind.

That is what you are saying. Completely illogical.


<Gold Donor>
You are saying that "I would never vote for a party that want to repeal Columbia V Heller" .. then 8 years later say: "I don't think the right to self defense exists...." And pretend it is not change of mind.

That is what you are saying. Completely illogical.
I said that based on the information I was consuming at the time, I was in the bubble like many still are.

Your argument is my feelings on abortion have changed, they have not, I still feel the same way about Abortion. I was wrong to make the statement about never voting for Republicans, yes I was wrong on that part. How can you not understand this? I am not a "Single Issue" voter. Now I am done explaining the same thing to you 20 different ways you either get it or you don't.

How about these other items that you stated I changed on?
Nor your position on 2A or inmigration or voting, or race, nor police.

EDIT: (spelling)
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Trump's Staff
<Gold Donor>
I was talking out of my ass on those other topics. The only history i can find on you is being very pro single healthcare, so i dont know how you feel about that recently.


<Gold Donor>
I was talking out of my ass on those other topics. The only history i can find on you is being very pro single healthcare, so i dont know how you feel about that recently.
I don't either because I have other bigger more important fish to fry at the moment. Yeah, I think it would be great if we could figure out a way to give everyone healthcare and have the system function well. I have no clue how to do it and I have not given it much thought lately. I have great health insurance sucks if you don't, I get it.
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<Prior Amod>
Everyone who posts here and decries "I am leaving here forever" always comes back. FOH is like a disfunctional abusive relationship. Admit it, you love being slapped around here. Its just the little bitch in you.

bitch slap slapping GIF
this faggot that thinks "right wingers" are all about conspiracies, named himself after a big conspiracy dude Jessie "the bodhy" ventura
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Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
These are the lies you tell yourself.

The position that you hold now were never left of center. Your position on abortion was never to the left of center. Nor your position on 2A or inmigration or voting, or race, nor police.

You pretend to care your position they have not changed, when in reality they have.

It is ok to change your position as you get older, but acknowledge that instead of the pussy" It was not me who change, it was the world"
ox raft GIF by Squirrel Monkey

Sanrith Descartes

You have insufficient privileges to reply here.
this faggot that thinks "right wingers" are all about conspiracies, named himself after a big conspiracy dude Jessie "the bodhy" ventura
I thought it was named after...

patrick swayze GIF
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