Beetlejuice 2


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Saw it yesterday. It's decent enough but a bit all over the place. It's like they had a brainstorming session for potential plots of a sequel and decided 'you know what? Let's just do them all!'

So basically Men in Black 2? That movie always shoots to the top of my “disjointed ideas smashed into a sequel” lists
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So basically Men in Black 2? That movie always shoots to the top of my “disjointed ideas smashed into a sequel” lists

Kinda sure, but the movie doesnt end up as big of a mess as that one did. Honestly its kinda worth going just for Catherine O'Hara, she is fantastic in it, but like Keaton still had the OG Beetlejuice Energy and I like Ortega generally.

Its a fun irrelevant movie that still uses practical effects and its VERY Tim Burton.

He said he wont do another so this is it, I think I was the the targeted audience, watched the film as a kid and it scared the crap out of me and I remember the cartoon from ages 8-11. Its not perfect but its a good companion piece to the original movie.


<WoW Guild Officer>
<WoW Guild Officer>
It definitely felt like one of those TV movies where they mash-up a whole season into a 2 hour film.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
So basically Men in Black 2? That movie always shoots to the top of my “disjointed ideas smashed into a sequel” lists
There was no real story to it. Just a series of scenes and callbacks until it ends.
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Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
And the treehouse villain got yeeted straight to hell so fucking fast that I 100% thought it was a joke.
I feel like they broke their own rules there. I'm the original the ghosts couldn't leave the house without going to titan. Where treehouse boy could leave the house and go to the tree house np.


FPS noob
saw this on matinee tuesday, pretty meh. just callbacks galore as the above posters said, really no story at all.

The most bizarre thing to me was centering the story so much on Lydia's father, who is not in the movie because the actor IRL is a convicted pedophile. Why make the movie so much about him lol

I think the writers forgot to watch the original movie again, Beetlejuice acts nothing like the one from Beetlejuice. He's a pretty helpful dude here who is occasionally gross. The movie goes out of its way to basically say "men ain't shit" so I thought it was written by a woman but nope, written by a man. so weird.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Fun flick, I enjoyed it. The final act dragged on but overall it was popcorn fun and Catherine O’Hara is just hilarious.
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The lad himself
<Gold Donor>
Cut out Monica Belluci and Willem Dafoe plotlines and dial in on the remaining storyline and this movie would have been ten times better. And that is insane to say with that level of actors. There was just way too much trying to happen at once with this. Moments of memberberries but I did not enjoy this much and I absolutely love the original.
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Silver Baronet of the Realm
I’ll watch once it hits streaming. I figure it’s like most recent Burton fare - so inoffensive, same-styled that it bears nothing resembling creativity. How someone that was considered so edgy in the 80’s has turned into a family movie director now is crazy. Maybe the right answer is he was always family oriented
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Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Streaming it is then. Once again saving money due to honest reviews.


Golden Squire
Fun flick, I enjoyed it. The final act dragged on but overall it was popcorn fun and Catherine O’Hara is just hilarious.

Pretty much this - but as always, anything with Michael Keaton is worth watching (and probably more than once)
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FPS noob
between kathleen kennedy killing star wars and whoever runs Warner having zero clue what people want I don't really understand how studio heads aren't getting fired constantly