Me too, I was hoping that it would go back into colour when Jimmy told the truth and she would be there is a full purple mourning dress.
she wore purple 24/7 it was a joke, it was obviously purple
Me too, I was hoping that it would go back into colour when Jimmy told the truth and she would be there is a full purple mourning dress.
Much of season 1 is largely slow as shit and above-average TV at best. Season 2 starts things going in a better direction and season 3 is where it hits legendary status. Unless you absolutely hate it, untwist your panties and keep going.if it makes you feel better I watched the first couple BBs last night. it kinda sucks.
she wore purple 24/7 it was a joke, it was obviously purple
No, because she could have stopped due to grief
fuck off retard
that dress is clearly purple, and it's just some weird lighting
Krazy 8 being the best part of Breaking Bad has to be the hottest take I've ever heard on anything ever
ok, you said you liked BCS because the concept is how he ends up a conman lawyer, right?
Well, don't think of Breaking Bad as "high school teacher cooks meth", but as the journey of that waiting to die high school teacher becoming a drugs kingpin. The bizarro thing is, watching the prequel should make you want to see the sequel. Don't you want to see more "Prime Saul Goodman" working with his biggest client. More of Gus Fring drugs cartel. More of Mikes journey and story?
Incoming - "the actors look too young, it's distracting!"
. I've liked him since his days of Mr Show with Bob and David. I will give anything he's in a chance.
Of the first 3 episodes you fucking buffoon. lern 2 reed.
That's not how any of it was pitched when it was new though
I have said nothing about his opinion of what he's watched so far. I'm lolling at him watching it out of order because he didn't like the plot summaryI think it's pretty agreed upon that the first season and especially the first half of the first season are the weakest parts of the show. I'm not sure why Ossoi is acting like somebody stepped on his favorite dog dick.
NGL I'm real tempted to watch el camino before I continue BB.
isn't it redundant to have a section called imaretard on redit?
you're barred from replying here until you've watched El Camino