Avatar of War Slayer
Someone has insulted the honor of Breaking Bad, by not watching it before BCS. This aggression can not stand, man.Don't we have a Breaking Bad thread for this shit?
Look at me, I'm the Breaking Bad thread now.
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Someone has insulted the honor of Breaking Bad, by not watching it before BCS. This aggression can not stand, man.Don't we have a Breaking Bad thread for this shit?
Someone has insulted the honor of Breaking Bad, by not watching it before BCS. This aggression can not stand, man.
Look at me, I'm the Breaking Bad thread now.
Don't we have a Breaking Bad thread for this shit?
Hes currently a child living with vampires in New YorkThe BCS finale was dogshit. The best character was MIA. This is a fucking crime
Rewatched The Office last year and was pleasantly surprised to see him in it. He was fucking hilarious in that, too.
Why are you being salty? He's a character on BCS. This is related.you're being uber salty and pedantic considering BCS is a prequel to BB, and the only reason BB is being discussed is to get a BCS enjoyer to watch BB
How about watching the seasons in reverse order?NGL I'm real tempted to watch el camino before I continue BB.
How about watching the seasons in reverse order?
I'm sure you are joking, but watching a prequel series first is very different to watching a sequel movie first.I saw netflix has a 'making of el camino'. Should I watch that before anything else? It feels like the right thing to do.
Sure on its face chemistry teacher cooks weapons grade meth sounds ridiculous.unless she's ugly there's no way I would skip the scenes anyway.
My dismissal of BB reminds me of a teacher I had who wouldn't let her kids watch Duke of Hazzard because it's a show about felons on probation blatantly disrespecting the law. Eventually someone got her to watch a few episodes and she changed her tune. Maybe BB will be like that. All I know is that I skipped it because it sounded stupid.
Sure on its face chemistry teacher cooks weapons grade meth sounds ridiculous.
What's ridiculous is declaring that a universally acclaimed show which came out 10 years ago sucks when you haven't seen a single episode and you liked the prequel to it.