there is a laugh track in the show, but its really the pauses (which the video above removes) that make it weird, and the pauses are there to anticipate the live audiences reactions which get mixed in with the laugh track for the live show (I don't think they ADR the cast, but mic them up?)
I agree the current gen of shows that don't use laugh tracks (30R, P&R, Happy Endings, etc) are way better, but there have been scientific studies that found people are more likely to laugh if they are in a bigger crowd and rarely laugh if alone, and that laugh tracks simulate those crowds for many people. I think the people who really, really hate laugh tracks are in that small minority that laugh whether or not other people are laughing, so you are a special snowflake and all that jazz.
I've never ever been bothered or noticed laugh tracks, I do remember an NPR show a few months ago that revealed the laugh tracks were almost all recorded in the 50s so most of the people you hear are... dead. creepy.