derrick is playing the best game, b/c he's the only one that knows how to play chess, while everyone struggles with tic-tac-toe.
do we believe in conspiracy in tv land? cuz here's my conspiracy, CBS just finished survivor, they got praise for one of the best and refreshing seasons with a PURE gamer Tony, who happened to be a police guy.
So CBS tried to find another Tony for big brother (derrick), and then they stacked the deck for him, they found the dumbest ppl in their short stack, and the biggest dumbest personalities (so derrick can coast on through and wade in the middle)
this is my gut feeling, pretty much due to CBS doing the same shit 2 years ago.
is it a coincidence in 2012 that survivor caramon finished shooting in the summer and by that time the producers knew that cochran, nerdy nerd (and back again contestant) was in the finals?
so what do they get for big brother 14? another nerdy nerd ian.
2 nerds win back to back, i find it highly weird, now BB has a police officer playing the game hard, when the survivor winner officer played one of the hardest games.