Meg and James were close w/ Austin so if they got rid of Julia those two probably go with Austin and Liz to snipe Vanessa, Steve and Jmac. It was always going to be the latter 3 vs whoever is left. If they win HOH this week they own the house.The only shot anyone has is if johnny Vanessa or Steve win joh and finally make the move. They have the odds in HoH this week and disadvantage at votes.
They are all morons for letting a power three get this far. They control the votes from here on out.
Surprised Vanessa didn't talk him into nominating himself and Jmac.OH FUCKING SNAP! BIG THINGS ARE COMING.
Steve HoH. Nominates Austin and Liz.
Made even funnier by his teammate being so useless in two of them he did not even really have to do anything at all to throw it just sit back and giggle.Yeah, it's like they're so happy to be on the show finally that they completely forget they need to play the game. The worst part is that Steve continually talks to himself all the right moves, but is too much of a pussy to make them when the time comes. Johnny Mack's greatest moves were throwing competitions to help other players! Heh.
tough spot. Cant just put up austin and liz again, but I would think she wants liz gone as thats would put her in a final 2 for every person in the house. I wouldnt say the game is hers. I could see whomever wins next week pulls a Caleb like last year and puts her out next week. I think the other 4 in the house would rather not take her to final 3 the way shes been killing it.Vanessa won HOH last night as well. The game is hers for the taking at this point. I have a feeling she will nominated John and Steve to avoid pissing off both twins and Austin.