This season is shit w/o Cody, b/c as we've all said, w/o Cody, Paul is just gonna run the house.
Da Fuq is the show doing? bringing back ONE vet? and from the most recent season too? and the runner up???
They're not even hiding their fake transparency.
1. Paul only got in b/c someone went for the 25k Temptation, well fuck??? only an idiot wouldn't go for a totally anonymous free 25k
2. Paul came in WITH power, the entire new cast had to acquiesce to him, in order to get safety with that bullshit friendship bracelet
3. Paul was given the MOST powerful Den prize, 3 weeks of immunity??? ... but it was up to America to vote for their favorite??? OF COURSE dumb fuck America is gonna vote for the s18 vet, over a bunch of 1 week nobodies.