If she doesn't use the power, she would deserve it.Even though the odds are extremely small, I'd love for them to promise Jessica safety, she not use the power, and then they evict her.
Yup. Paul is playing a real dirty game trying to get Cody/Jess out. Jess has his number, though, which just makes him work harder to get her or Cody out. If the house doesn't turn on Paul soon, it's going to be a boring run to the end, as Paul rides these idiots to victory. At this point, even after betraying everyone, I feel like they'll give this faggot the 500 grand.
I don't watch the feeds, but I pretty much keep up with all the spoilers from the BB subreddit. I hope they don't give Paul a "hero edit" on tonight's live ep.
I don't think they will edit out a lot of what happened, since it took place after the veto meeting. Since Jessica should use her hex, that means no live eviction, which means we should get some good stuff. I really hope production doesn't edit to make Paul look good, if they do though, I think a lot of hard core live feeders will eat production alive.