Bioshock Infinite


Avatar of War Slayer
In a sequel, there's always a fine line of balance between not insulting your fans who've played the previous games, and accessibility/quality of life items for players new to the franchise. I'm not defending the choice they made, but I'm also biased. I played the previous games, I understand the meta. I'm, personally, ok with Little Jimmy who picks this up without playing the others first getting fucked.

-The fact is, you've played the previous games, yet are bitching about not being told what a plasmid is/does.
-What intro the game gives, you apparently missed/ignored/fucked off through (by your own words), yet you bitch about not having a clue what's going on.
-You know damn well from past experience and watching trailers where you are (hint, not heaven), yet insist on calling it that.

You're not painting yourself in a good light. Not to mention that most of us, in this thread, ARE fans of the series, and are going to be more persnickety about stupid shit Negative Nancys try to pull.
heaven probably does get thrown around alot. Americana, Lamb of god, etc. Its definitely a theme here.

this conversation in general is a bad idea. and should stop. I would rather the guy that played an hour of leaked content not let slip any spoilers.


Trump's Staff
Promise I wont spoil anything, I hate getting spoiled just like anyone else. I also know Columbia isn't heaven, I just call it that sarcastically. Floating city in the clouds with angelic statues of leaders? It's close.


Molten Core Raider
I only played it once. Loved the atmosphere but the story and twists were so good it killed all replayability (fuck you autocorrect) for me. To be fair, I almost never replay single-player FPS with the exception of Max Payne 1-2. I really loved those games. I guess combat wasn't memorable enough for me personally.

Looking forward to this for the same reason. We'll need a no-spoiler thread in a week.

If anyone is still looking to preorder this game,Amazon increased their pre-order bonusesto match Steam. It now includes a $30 2K Games Credit,Bioshock Infinite: Mind in RevolteBook for Kindle, "Industrial Revolution Pack,"andXCOM: Enemy Unknown.
I love to see the shops compete for business.


Lord Nagafen Raider
I don't usually pre-order games, but free X-com got me. This stretch goal pre-order marketing is going to show up everywhere now.


F16 patrolling Rajaah until he plays DS3
<Gold Donor>
If anyone is still looking to preorder this game,Amazon increased their pre-order bonusesto match Steam. It now includes a $30 2K Games Credit,Bioshock Infinite: Mind in RevolteBook for Kindle, "Industrial Revolution Pack,"andXCOM: Enemy Unknown.
As a quick aside, this is a great deal - however, be aware that if anyone plans on using the $30 credit towards GTA 5, the credit is good towards PC digital downloads only. No one is sure if/when GTA 5 will come to PC. With Steam, you get the games immediately I think. You also have to wait for Xcom for 2 days before launch, and launch day to claim the credit. So if you are dying to play Xcom, you will want to use the Steam preorder.


Molten Core Raider
Are you sure it's not a Steam key? Amazon always gives me a Steam key for the game, never had to download a game from Amazon.


Are you sure it's not a Steam key? Amazon always gives me a Steam key for the game, never had to download a game from Amazon.
Depends on the game and the deal, there are games that are available on steam but do not come with a steam key and have to be downloaded from Amazon. It should be mentioned under the production description and if it is not there, it's most likely not steam enabled.


Lord Nagafen Raider
Bioshock: Infinite is Steamworks on PC, so it's safe to say you'll get a Steam key, same with XCOM. (It says "DRM: Steam" under the title. I wish Amazon would be consistent with where they're going to show that.)


Trump's Staff
Gave it a couple more hours tonight and regardless of my negative comments about the start of the game, I'm really enjoying it now. The combat is really fun after you get the chance at some upgrades. Play on hard if you want any kind of challenge, have only died a couple of times and they were pretty much my fault for trying to be Rambo.


Golden Knight of the Realm
That sounds about par for Bioshock. Combat is pretty boring until you get a variety of plasmids and weapons and normal is way too easy.

Big Phoenix

Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Gold Donor>
I always though the combat in the original to be off somehow, I blame consoles for it.


Posted this under Steam Deals thread as well, but GMG is now offering XCom as well for preorder.

Bioshock Infinite preorder on GMG now comes with xcom as well.

BioShock Bonanza - 3 free games when you pre-purchase BioShock Infinite
Your eyes are not deceiving you! You get 3 free games when you pre-purchase BioShock Infinite from Green Man Gaming. No need to work too hard to unlock offers - we're all about instant gratification! Pre-purchase BioShock Infinite now and you will get $15 GMG Credit and also get the original BioShock game and XCOM: Enemy Unknown, plus one of the following games* free:

Spec Ops: The Line , Civilization V, BioShock 2, Mafia II or The Darkness II.


Avatar of War Slayer
haha. I love it. More of this.

this. this will make me preorder games. Not shitty dlc, not exclusive content.


I got Tuco'd!
<Gold Donor>
I always though the combat in the original to be off somehow, I blame consoles for it.
I wouldn't say the original was 'off', but I couldn't get through either bioshock because I got bored of the gameplay. I think I'm just spoiled by older FPS games that are extremely fast paced. More realistic/slow paced FPS games get repetitive too quickly. For me bioshock got to be moments of greatness interrupted by long slogs through typical slow/modern fps areas.


Is this game using QTEs at all? I remember worrying about it a few months back and did not follow the dev talk or previews simce.


Avatar of War Slayer
Bioshock 1's gameplay was massively neutered. Pretty sure multiplayer, consoles, and time/money limitations were the cause.

If you go back and watch interviews, reviews, etc prerelease there was alot of talk about the gameplay. And this talk often emphasized tactical play.

And the actual game has remnants of this. The stealth tonics. the TK abilty to throw things/catch things. Prox mines. The tripwires. hacking robots, and cameras for pets, and turning the world against the enemy. Decoy. Bees. Etc. The game was supposed to be a very robust fps, with lots of interactions with your plasmids and weapons. On top of this, limited ammo. I mean read that. Doesn't all that SOUND awesome? Shouldnt that be an amazingly varied gameplay experiance? what happened? why did just running up and electric bucking everything in the face with the shotgun trivialize everything? (yeah I know a couple others were just as effective)

One of the clear examples, was the plasmids. Inferno 1-3 for example. Pretty clearly a gutted game mechanic. Having to upgrade plasmids just to make them work on higher level npcs like they did on lower ones is a beyond stupid mechanic. I think its pretty clear, plasmids were SUPPOSED to work like they do in bioshock 2. Higher teirs, get new effects. inferno 1 is a flame, inferno 2 is a thrown fireball, inferno 3 is a large aoe fireball, iirc. This getting gutted almost certainly dumbed down the gameplay massively. presumably time/money cut this out.
Not being able to use plasmids and weapons at the same time, also really killed that interactions. trying to do so, is tedious. Probably either consoles, or just time caused this one.

2 fixed those last two issues. Overall balance never really touched, though. There was still no reason to play "smart". run and gun with shotgun was far more effective then setting traps with mines, or anything.