Where do you get masterwork other then weapons? I run strong holds mostly and have only gotten masterwork weapons.
Do the contract thingies. They show up on your map after you complete the story shit and are 30. GM1 for better chance but they do drop from hard.
Man GM1 contracts are a shit ton of fun. Perfect balance with finishing and challenge. Been doing those with PUGs and it's working out great.
That whole post and you think what you have to defend is hard drive write speeds?Do not buy this steaming pile of shit played for 2 hours cant get back in thought was a Hardware issue so I installed on several of my PC's same shit tring to re-download the origin is giving me a whopping 61 kb per sec on a 250 Meg line(yea I know it has to wrtie the HD but its a Samsung 970 Evo Plus ). Another EA rip off, cool concepts but prob get old in 2 weeks anyways going to back to Desinty/Warframe. This game is dogshit save your dough maybe Toms Clancy D2 well pan out.
Anyways it was 14.99 for 30 day trial of it on Premier no big loss
Pretty sure HDR was already enabled, and you can't just take a screenshot of HDR video anyway. It's display panel tech.
Very few PC monitors are actually capable of anything close to what a good TV can do with HDR video anyway. My ultrawide claims "HDR" but doesn't have the nits required to meet any real HDR standard, and that's typical of all but the newest high end PC panels.
The first 8 hours had me questioning my preorder. Basic trial ended at 8 hours so I asked for more and got another 10 (8). Second 8 hours has me itching to play more. Switching to gamepad and switching to Fullscreen mode made the game feel much better. I could barely play on medium in windowed but can play on high/med in fullscreen. And load times for the last couple days I played were much bettter. I never had one more than 45-60 seconds. They measured in minutes the first few days. Also I wasted too much time painting shit.
The fun factor in Anthem kicks in when you get a piece of loot that makes you go "holy shit!"... and you'll get those. I switched up my Ranger build today into a full Blast build (frag grenade and blast missle), since the Ranger Ult is also Blast. I haven't started to try and craft components with +Blast yet, but even so gameplay feels better and the damage is nice. Then I happened to get 3 Legendary Contracts up at once, so I ran them at GM1. What followed has to be an aberration to my RNG. I got nice MW Marksman Rifle with an electric proc (sounds epic) on the first, on the second I got a MW Frag Grenade that gives 700% Ult energy(?) on Hit (and it seems like its per mob Hit), and finally on the last contract, I get a MW Blast Missle that has an electric blast on kill. This is what I think Anthem has that none of the other current looter shooters have (really exciting loot).
Great review, pretty much agree fully
I honestly have no idea what type of game these reviewers want, its obviously nothing that is currently out. It seems each of them want an old style, deep RPG story (which BioWare can no longer make), and with a mission system that apparently needs to have tons of complex involved mechanics for each quest/mission. And to be honest, none of these reviewers really want a looter shooter where you need to pray to RNG to get the good stuff.