Blackwing Lair Raider
WalMart is also setting the stage for this. Where they sell gas you can pay cash, or you can get a .05 a gallon discount if you walk inside, buy a WalMart gift card and load it up with your cash to pay for gas. It's essentially WalMart Coin pegged to (Dollar+.05) for gas. I bet eventually they'll extend it to the store "Get 1% off with your WalMart gift card!"
Amazon adopt that same strategy, to get people to load up on the Amazon coin giving it liquidity as they could then back it with cash and become the first business with it's own currency (potentially insulating it from coming Dollar insanity). I should say the first MODERN company with their own currency... As a nod to "St Peter don't ya call me cause I can't go, I owe my soul to the company store" and such.
I have no doubt. But take it to the next level: Company scrip - Wikipedia.
Amazon only pays its employees in Bezocoin or whatever, which is only redeemable at Amazon.