Bitcoins/Litecoins/Virtual Currencies

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
It's a fantasy. We've all played enough games to know that any system that allows players to get ahead by making better decisions than other players will devolve into a degenerate state without constant rules changes. And as long as there exists players who are better at leveraging the rules than the people making the rules, the rule changes will be very ineffectively at limiting their ability to continue getting ahead in the game.

In the history of MTG, the competitive game with the most complicated rules (over 200 pages of legalese, even AI sucks at it) there exists three kinds of players:

People who play to have fun.
People who play to prove they're smarter than their opponent.
People who play to prove they're smarter than the people making the game.

(Okay there's a 4th secret kind of player, Commander players, who play to prove they're morally superior to other people at the table while being smug as fuck, but let's not talk about those people. Actually, those people are kinda like crypto nerds, so maybe we should.)
wtf are you babbling about. Keep this gay nerd shit away from me.


Potato del Grande
<Rickshaw Potatoes>
Most games come down to “who” you’re playing against. You could shift perspective and recategorize the players:
1. People who play against the environment. They’re just happy to be here.
2. People who compete against other players. It’s fun to outdo their neighbor.
3. People who play against the devs. They find it fun to “sploit” the game and have fun min/maxxing. Similar to #1 but definitely more try hard and a completely different group.

20+ years on a gaming forum and Mist Mist doesn't understand people who play to win.
  • 1Worf
Reactions: 1 user


Tranny Chaser
When is my BTC going to go exponential..:

BC going to tank over the summer. Then up once x-flu season starts.
Feeling Dumb Jim Carrey GIF


Vyemm Raider
ETA on x-flu season??
If you were to just look at the chart for prior cycles in a very ignorant way you'd see that the big run usually starts right around the election and runs for ~12 months.

While that's a pretty dumb way to plan, it has worked out that way multiple times, and there are some strong arguments that not just BTC, but markets more generally are running on a 4 year liquidity cycle right now. I don't see anything to make me think that wont be the case again this time. We'll see
  • 1Mother of God
Reactions: 1 user