I don't know, but that's a lot of short squeezing!How much cum do you need to reach the moon?
Governments: This is why we don't let civilians run their own currencies.The longer this clusterfuck of a conference goes on the more crypto drops. Good thing it's not a 3 day weekend or I'd be broke.
-*IF* #ElSalvador does pass legislation to recognize #bitcoinas legal tender, #BTC
would v likely become *MONEY* under US commercial law (https://law.cornell.edu/ucc/1/1-201: "Money means a medium of exchange currently authorized or adopted by a domestic or foreign govt")
Price is the least interesting aspect of this. El Salvador has a chance to pilot the use of Bitcoin as its reserve currency and medium of exchange. We're going to learn a lot about how this will play out world wide, and how nation level actors are going to respond. If the Bitcoin case is accurate this could easily be considered the beginning of BTC adoption as the world reserve currency.Market doesn't seem overly impressed with the news.
It's because it's really not that big of a deal, El Salvador is not going to cause some huge wave of Bitcoin adoption, and in the long run you nailed it -- the blockchain applications that El Salvadorians use will run on Ethereum, just like everyone else.
If you take a moment to consider the news from the perspective of El Salvador's residents, 70% of which are unbanked and their currency is pegged to a debasing USD, you'll see this as a big news that it really is. Americans really will be the last people to understand why Bitcoin is so important, and no other crypto has a prayer of touching its use case. 30% of El Salvador's GDP is remittance payments from countries like the US. Those payments are 'taxed' 30%+ by companies like Western Union and genuine armed thugs that stand outside Western Union buildings. Bitcoin payments via Strike are literally FREE. The country's GDP has been directly and immediately impacted by this.
An entire country is adopting the Bitcoin standard. If you don't see how this is a big step forward I don't know how your opinion can be taken seriously. It may end up fizzling out, but until it does its at a minimum incredibly interesting.