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Okay, well I kind of equate not being casual friendly with grindy. I personally don't mind it, but I suspect my friends will buckle.
Anyway, do people use macro software (e.g. AutoHotKey, et. al.) for combos? My initial impression from the combo helper pop-up is, "good lord, I'm not going to remember all that".
The complexity of combat depends a lot on which class you decide to play. For example Shai which I play is basically 2 attacks, 1 depletes mana, 2nd restore it, and a few buffs(there's more but that's all you really need). I've heard that the Striker is also pretty much brain dead to play and be very efficient with it, while other classes have very high skill ceiling to be any good. So be careful what you choose. Also, no matter the class you won't really need to use all the skills in your rotation so you don't need to learn everything.
As for the game being grindy, that's an interesting subject and largely depends on what you want out of the game. Mind you what I am about to say is mostly semantics at this point. Going through the season server from 1 to 61, and gearing in PEN Tuvala gear requires no grind....just play through the story and it will get you there..."DO NOT FORGET TO GET CHANGA TOME" at level 56 I think. This will allow you do about 90%+ of the game just fine, obviously not the most efficient but well enough. After that it's how you approach the game, I personally just play it because I enjoy all the different activities and eventually I get new upgrades, I don't see getting the upgrades as the reason for playing. That way, I never felt the grind, if your goal is Best in Slot and that's why you play...then the game will feel very grindy, tons of hours for small upgrades.
It's a sandbox game, tons of different things to do, different ways to achieve your goals...with that in mind, is the act of playing the game and enjoying the activities you do a grind?