Black Panther (2018)

Aychamo BanBan

Welp I guess we can officially add 'Starting a civil war' to the list of 'Things I should probably have run past my wife before doing'. Hopefully Wakanda has advanced life extension tech as well, because angry man with dead parents isn't getting laid again this century ;p

I though this one was ok entertainment, decent fights, good effects, some decent humor ( although some of the jokes really fizzled ).

On the downside, it gave me a headache ( too loud ? ) and really, nothing in it makes any sense. My sympathy is all with monkey-king guy - his spiel before challenging is pretty spot-on if you think about it - main guy's family has a history of dubious decision making, his dad put his teenage daughter in charge of the entire' countries research program and his son in charge of protecting the nation, and on his very first mission ( protect the king at the UN ) he fails spectacularly. The daughter may actually be good at something, but seriously, what are the odds of that compared to crazy nepotism ? That one is probably worth more raised eyebrows than appointing Ivanka as the head of NASA.

You could make some arguments about the odds of competent administrators being selected via gladatorial combat, but I think main guy's actions on becoming King speak for themselves.

Great review!

But, don't you dare make a snide comment about our beautiful blonde princess :)

Screen Shot 2018-02-18 at 7.15.42 AM.png
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Loser Araysar

Chief Russia Correspondent / Stock Pals CEO
Smaller opening day than BvS

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<Prior Amod>
The Chinese fraudulently reporting financials? Say it ain't so.
This movie is a blatant example of fraud reporting, with all the bumped up numbers cuz of "black kids go free, oh and popcorn and a drank"

And then, white ppl u Betta pay for a black, #blackjoy
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Someone is still paying admission for those kids going free so it's still a ticket sold. No fraudulent numbers there.

The shit that goes on in China is under reporting of admissions, particularly non-Chinese productions.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
I will never understand the obsession people who work outside of the movie industry have with ticket sales. It may be one of the single most uninteresting topics on the planet relative to the amount it's discussed.
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Molten Core Raider
I will never understand the obsession people who work outside of the movie industry have with ticket sales. It may be one of the single most uninteresting topics on the planet relative to the amount it's discussed.

Compared to what? Idiotic stereotypes about black audience because some lead actors are also black? Ticket sales clearly seem a step up or ten from that for sure :)

Also shaping up to be a real MCU contender. Opening blew GoTG, Civil War, Thor Ragnerok, etc.. right out of the water ... and it opened in fucking February .. lol.


And drop off will be interesting. BvS made 50.3% on the opening weekend, and dropped hard afterwards. Most MCU stuff sits at around 40% made on opening weekend, i.e. slower drop offs. And of course exec dream of making up to 70% or more beyond the opening weekend, as did The Dark Knight or Avengers, which Black Panther might be able to pull off with an A+ Cinemascore.
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Life's a Dream
Avatar must be the holy grail of movies then. It's opening weekend was okay, but then as word got out it really took off. That thing was in theaters for MONTHS.


FPS noob
Black Panther has finally shown that racism in America is dead, we did it by watching a movie!!!
  • 4Worf
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
I will never understand the obsession people who work outside of the movie industry have with ticket sales. It may be one of the single most uninteresting topics on the planet relative to the amount it's discussed.

Some people get pretty passionate about movies they like or don't like. They treat them like sports teams and the box office is the closest thing to a scoreboard for validating their opinions.
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Avatar must be the holy grail of movies then. It's opening weekend was okay, but then as word got out it really took off. That thing was in theaters for MONTHS.

Avatar and Titanic both followed that model. The original Star Wars as well.

But movies don't follow it today. Ideally they want to open big and hit a decent multiplier ( x3 or more) within a couple of months before going to the ancillary market while the interest in them is still high enough to offset piracy as much as possible. Recent movies like Jumanji and Wonder Woman are more in line with what are considered long legs in this day and age, outside of earmarked awards contenders.


Naxxramas 1.0 Raider
Avatar will be hard to recreate. It was the first movie to -really- make 3D worth it, so it makes sense there was a ramp up. I do recall seeing it a couple times in the theater months apart and it was still packing the seats (my gf at the time didn't want to watch 3D, so I had to go by myself later to watch it wtf).

But ya, for the most part, movies are made by their opening weekend and the 1st week drop off.


Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Also shaping up to be a real MCU contender. Opening blew GoTG, Civil War, Thor Ragnerok, etc.. right out of the water ... and it opened in fucking February .. lol.

It's also doing really solid overseas numbers in many markets. It's made more money in it's opening weekend in the UK than Justice League made in it's entire theatrical run there. That's Black fuckin' Panther vs a DC team movie with all of that franchise's heaviest hitters in it.


Murder Apologist
Interested in seeing the demographics breakdown for this weekend.
Yeah I'm particularly interested in the two columns labelled "People who watched the movie" vs. "People who bought their own tickets".
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Connoisseur of Exotic Pictures
Interested in seeing the demographics breakdown for this weekend.

The comScore breakdown, which is gathered when they do the in person surveys for the CinemaScore was 37% black, 35% white, and 18% Hispanic. Male/female split was 55/45. Adults 73%, families 17%, teens 10%.

But those surveys are taken at only about 25 locations around the country and mostly larger cities so they might be skewed a little high for certain demos.
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zignor 4

Molten Core Raider
Some people get pretty passionate about movies they like or don't like. They treat them like sports teams and the box office is the closest thing to a scoreboard for validating their opinions.

Yeah, but that doesn't make the topic any less boring. And scores of God awful movies have raked in piles of money, and even more great movies have been box office bombs. Shitty sports teams almost never go all the way.
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Trump's Staff
All that Trump tax break money really helped this film's opening weekend take.

Black lives are improving by the day.
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