Saw this yesterday and really enjoyed it. I loved the fact that the central conflict of the movie was whether or not Wakanda had any responsibility to use their resources to help others, and that they didn't pretend like it was an easy or obvious choice. The fact that T'Challa's father's decision to protect his people at the cost of abandoning a child led to the creation of the "villain" seemed a bit "on the nose", but it was nice to see these characters face moral and ethical challenges that we ourselves often have to consider in the modern political climate.
Loved the design of Wakanda with its fusion of futuristic tech and ancient tradition, with one exception: Those lip discs. I'm pretty good at suspending disbelief in fantasy/sci-fi movies but my brain just couldn't rationalize how an advanced society who has welcomed and greatly benefited from high technology would mutilate their faces for no practical purpose, but maybe that's just me.
I cringed at the "What are thooooooooose?" line and I wasn't psyched to see yet another "hero vs evil version of hero" battle, but most everything else worked great IMO. I enjoyed the action scenes and found the warrior women were great fun to watch (even if the nipples on those red outfits reminded me a bit of Schumaker's Batman suit). While the movie could have benefited from a little more humor, I'm glad Black Panther himself is not another smarmy wise-cracking joker, which Marvel seems to give us a lot of. The movie ended on kind of a significant note, plot-wise, so I'm wondering whether this will have world-changing effects that will be reflected in Marvels' future movies.