Fights need stakes.
Then you'll be happy to know Blade is coming in Phase 5.
How's the language and any sexual content past kissing? Probably going to watch it with my 5 year old today, but I don't have time to pre-watch and then watch it again.
Movie was mostly forgettable. Found myself on my phone for a lot of it. Pugh and Harbour were the highlights of the film. Their comedy scenes were the best parts of the movie.
Unless your kid is a fan of Black Widow specifically I doubt it will hold their attention or be able to understand what’s going on. My kid was that way with all of the MCU stuff we tried when he was five with the exception of Spiderverse.How's the language and any sexual content past kissing? Probably going to watch it with my 5 year old today, but I don't have time to pre-watch and then watch it again.
Yelena Belova will clearly be the New Widow going forward and I'm okay with that. Nice mixture of badass and snarky comedy.
scarjo was one of 5 executive producers. kevin fiege is listed as "producer" but there's no way she had more say than he did. i think about it like when you let one of your kids sit at the grown-ups table for thanksgiving. i guarentee you that's how everyone else thought of it.I couldn't figure out either why Ray Winstone was the bad guy, I like him as an actor but he always plays a british mobster. Making him a Russian bad guy is just ludicrously stupid since he will never pull off that accent, and there are a million character actors from movies/TV that could have played that part a LOT better. The Americans, Romanoffs, Chernyobl the bench is insanely deep with people who ACTUALLY SPEAK RUSSIAN.
The only reason I could come up with is that Ray Winstone looks like Harvey Weinstein, and ScarJo saw him and said "yes! Thats the perfect Weinstein looking human metaphor!" and put her foot down, since the project is basically her baby. Although its super bizarre that her "swan song" in the MCU, executive produced by her, treats her like a side character who mostly just watches other people do shit.
Actual quote by Ray Winstone's bad guy character in this movie, I kid you not:
"Young girls... the only natural resource the world has too much of".
the whole plot revolves around the red room, which is basically exactly what you expect it would be: turning young girls into super spies. there is INCREDIBLY subtle hints that some creepy sexual stuff going on, but it's less like the movie is hinting at it, and more that the movie isn't dissuading you from thinking that if you know anything about russian spy training.How's the language and any sexual content past kissing? Probably going to watch it with my 5 year old today, but I don't have time to pre-watch and then watch it again.
Hope you were at home because if you are the guy at the theatre being the lighthouse in the darkness then a million curses upon thee.Movie was mostly forgettable. Found myself on my phone for a lot of it. Pugh and Harbour were the highlights of the film. Their comedy scenes were the best parts of the movie.
Between Kate Bishop in Hawkeye, Speed and Wiccan in WandaVision, Kid Loki in Loki, Yelena in this movie, US Agent and Madame Hydra in Falcon & WS, they are heading for Young Avengers and something from Thunderbolts/Leviathan/Secret War (and we know they are doing a Secret Invasion show already).
How's the language and any sexual content past kissing? Probably going to watch it with my 5 year old today, but I don't have time to pre-watch and then watch it again.
Some cars get totaled, real high stakes in this movie.No sex/nudity/hints about it, minor swearing (shit), you rarely see blood, most violence is against vehicles.
you're bad at this. its on youtube already.
yeah because you only had access to it.The link I put up wasn't pulled down. But I didn't put it on youtube in the first place.