The cool thing about money, is even as the premium players get more, means they bid more in dungeons
Had one guy for the 2nd dungeon, spend like 75s on the costume. The non-premium guy was laughing, as he got like 30s of it(Since the other 2 people left before bidding was done). Said it was like half of what he currently got. And I see people constantly paying more then I think they should for the accessories/materials. The bidding system is pretty nice way to just make money by running dungeons.
But yeah money is really low to start and starts picking up later.
As pyros said, you can do everything as f2p, will just take longer and don't plan on having a ton of costumes(as again currently Wardrobe is tied to premium only).
I know playing free on TW for a little(only got to like 43) storage/money was very tight,the latter didn't become less of a issue till Exile dungeon and people bidding high for costumes. Storage was always a pain. If I was going to play for free, I would probably at least buy a bunch of the dragon pouches to open more inventory.