It gets better. I did too there, just powered through. Depends on class, though. BD finally gets enough points/tools to do most stuff.Stalling pretty hard in the mid 30's. Just not excited to reach 45.
This stops later. It's not ever truly 'hard' per se (sans 1-2 fights or a shitty class/gear) but it certainly gets obnoxious enough when a mob interrupts your rotation with a block and you are forced to press other buttons.Is the game supposed to be this easy? I literally pulled the entire instance of South Anchor and AoE'd the mobs down in a few seconds, with almost no threat of dying.
It's not no trade until I equip it.
1) Yes, just like AA levels. We will get 5 before we get the lvl50 content patches. Then there will be up to 20 HM lvls, depending if we get them all at once, or in stages.Feels like I'm ready for the patch now. Hit Plat in arena, maxxed out all my weapons & accessories, all the gems in my weapon are pretty close to BIS, my soulshield set has 'acceptable' rolls with +crit on each of them, and I have a fair amount of cash saved up. Sitting at over
400 AP & 2400ish crit.
For those who played a previous version of BNS, I do have some questions about this patch:
1- Hongmoon levels: I understand that they're hard to get and require a lot of grinding. Are these like traditional AAs in the sense that there's no questing to get them and you receive an xp bar that fills up slowly?
2- Mushin tower: Will this be a new solo daily? How difficult is it? What type of rewards will be available?
3- Bloodshade Harbor: Is there any actual upgrades for doing the 4 man as opposed to the 6 man? The webpage update indicates that the 4 man version will have, "the boss' own weapon as a drop' --) is this just purely cosmetic or is there a possibility of it being better than a max upgraded Hongmoon weapon?
4- Zen Beans: Can someone explain what can be bought with them and if there's any type of cap?
Yea, right now the Siren weapons are pretty bad compared to True Profane, especially for classes that need to burn Chi (mana), the proc for True Profane is super nice, and the weapon is perfectly fine for all Mushin Tower / BSH. Though with tomorrows patch, the Siren/Pirate weapons will get a buff in the form of a Skill bonus for each class. I don't know what skill bonus each class will get, so it might be lame, but it could also be really nice. I think the bonus will increase as you from Awakened into True version.Decided to upgrade my weapon today. I had enough mats to go straight to True Siren +10. I had some 20 or so Cold Iron Offering weapons saved up, I figured that would be enough to get me there.
Haha... nope. Didn't even get me to Stage 3 of Awakened Siren. So after transmuting most of my Soulstones amd Element Powders away, I am now sitting on Awakened Siren +10 and it's absolute garbage compared to the True Profane weapon.
Afterwards I farmed Blackwyrms for 6 hours straight to try to recoup some of the money I lost. Unfortunately, no claw, Starling, or gems for me.