Log Wizard
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Yep. I think people have forgotten why group required content stopped being popular.If I wanted to spend all night trying to wrangle 40 neckbeards into getting something done, I'd stay at work.
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Yep. I think people have forgotten why group required content stopped being popular.If I wanted to spend all night trying to wrangle 40 neckbeards into getting something done, I'd stay at work.
Is it not popular? Or is it not popular to MOST people? That's the thing. Further, how many people thought they wouldn't like something until they were "forced"/coerced into trying it?Yep. I think people have forgotten why group required content stopped being popular.
You can find people willing to pay to get kicked in the balls. IMO that's not an argument that receiving ball kicks is inherently fun.Is it no popular? Or is it not popular to MOST people?
I was referring to grouping for XP, not raids.LFD was added during WotLK.
Forced 'group required' content is still present in every single MMO as the top end content available, and it's all popular.
The problem is the same problem every MMO has. They are one game for 1-59 and a completely different game at 60.
Well, a large part of the problem "back in the day" is that it was an all or nothing style approach. Unless you were one of the few classes that could solo, if you didn't find a group(or have the time), you just flat out couldn't make progress.Grouping for xp to progress mostly died out because we all grew up and got jobs and don’t want to spend half our free time trying to get a group together that may or may not be worth the time we put in
Late 90s/early 2000s were the worst because they didn’t have good xp scaling. My friends playing FFXI out leveled me by like 5 levels because they played more, so we couldn’t group for xp anymore. Trying to get PUGS always turned out bad so I just flat out quit the game
The game has to be fun, that has to go before everything else. Making loot/levels feel more valuble because it's hard to get does have a limit.Difficulty is the only worthwhile thing they could add to MMOs to entice me these days. I don't care about character customization, it just attracts little kids with ADD anyway. I don't care about achievements or badges or guild halls or housing.
I'd like to see a Tarkov-like MMO, but with swords and basic bows, basically no gunpowder, where your character can die in the blink of an eye and the zones/levels require multiple teams to cooperate together to beat. You have to haul loot out of the zone for it to count/bind to your corpse but if you die with it in the zone you got it, it might be lost forever unless you have a buddy nearby to grab it.
Itemization should let you find nice stuff, but dying in said nice stuff would cause damage and require it to go to the smithy for awhile, forcing you to use banked inferior gear until your main gear is repaired.
Also mounts cannot be simply summoned / unsummoned. You learn to take care of your mule or you don't have one. If you leave town on a zepplin and forget your horse, you better have brought some paste along to tame another one. stuff like that. No more hand holding little Johnny A.D.D.!
You aren't worthy anyway. Enjoy your Hello Kitty Fishing Adventure!That sounds like shit that no one would play. “You can’t keep good gear if you die, also btw if yo get good gear it breaks and you have to use shit gear until your good gear fixes itself”.
There is absolutely nothing that prevents you from socializing and making friends right now in a MMO.
The game already has you play with other humans. Unless you're just in a zombie guild, you presumably already are playing with guildmates.
You're trying to solve for a non-existent problem under the impression that "the good old days" have been lost, while proposing a solution that ignores why server groupings are even a thing (to let people play with other people, regardless as to how shitty their individual server's population is). Especially in WoW, since you also have faction based concerns and if you are alliance on a horde dominated server, good luck getting into anything w/o cross realm.
The budget you could get for your proposed game idea from investors would probably be less than the Hello Kitty game lo
I mean, it perfectly describes tons of Battle Royale type games and various survival games, including hardcore Minecraft. All of these things are popular. Even Zelda BOTW requires you constantly crafting new gear.That sounds like shit that no one would play. “You can’t keep good gear if you die, also btw if yo get good gear it breaks and you have to use shit gear until your good gear fixes itself”.
I mean, it perfectly describes tons of Battle Royale type games and various survival games, including hardcore Minecraft. All of these things are popular. Even Zelda BOTW requires you constantly crafting new gear.
MMOs have gone in the complete opposite direction as the rest of the video game industry. They went from hardcore fantasy worlds ala UO and EQ to super safe amusement park experiences where nothing bad ever happens to you.
I already mentioned why: To allow for "individual servers" where players can be and have a server-specific community and/or economy
I was one of those wierdo's who liked really long camps for items I needed/wanted. I knew most people didn't have the endurance or the where-with-all to put on Monty Python videos in another window or monitor instead of just complaining how rare the rare things were.
Anyway I'm just spitballing, I agree with you lot, it does have to be fun but I think there is an untapped market out there where the games return to the basics like real hardship and cooperation while eschewing bullshit like cosmetics and pay 2 win schemes.
Also, does anyone else 'member when strats for every single boss weren't plastered on every forum by the first schmuck who couldn't wait to tell the world ? I'm going to suggest too that the best MMO will somehow, someway be resistant to having how-to guides published online. A unicorn? Maybe, but just imagine if players had to think for themselves again in raids. Dayum.