Golden Baronet of the Realm
- 4,568
- 12,565
I think your final thought is basically impossible. Unless you somehow had every boss have a possible list of abilities/mechanics at least 10-20 long and what you got was pure roll of the dice. But even then every ability/mechanic will be recorded and written about to understand every single one. Strats for video games have been around since they introduced. Its just the medium in which those strats got around has changed.
Most likely, yes. There was a time during EQ though where if you were in a top guild during PoP, Luclin and maybe even Velious, you were probably using strats that weren't documented on the Safehouse or other forums. Guild leaders and even members that actually had novel strats didn't blab them to the whole world, because it meant they were just increasing their competition. The guild members generally wouldn't either, because they knew that knowledge was power (and loots), what they stood to gain or lose, etc.
I remember applying to one guild during Luclin and wiping with them over and over and over and over to this one boss and never killing it, I think in Ssra Temple. Shortly after when I applied to the top guild on the server, I was happy to see them kill that same mob on my first raid with them. They went about it completely differently and killed it easily. Now if that other guild had the same strat, I have no doubt they would have won too, but this dynamic of secret knowledge has been very interesting to me for a long time.
One *possible* way might be to have so many different bosses and types of encounters that no 2 raid parties will ever encounter the same bosses twice, making any information shared between them less useful. They could also have server-specific tweaks, on one server the dragon breathes fire, on another frost or there are completely different enemies in the raid zones. I kinda like this latter idea to be honest.