Yeah. Doom Patrol Cyborg is definitely the best Cyborg.
Aside from that I still don't take him as Blue Beetle. It's like they just NEEDED to recycle a name/concept. But they weren't able to really weave into the existing mythos, so they just decided to make a new character and make his Maguffin look like a scarab and be blue.
Overall though, they had "magic centric" Blue Beetle, then the Blue Beetle I read growing up (Ted Kord) who was a lot like a less mentally damaged version of Batman (rich, smart, gadgets..). Then they had to do "techno" version and we get this.
I still long for a Blue and Gold movie with Chris Pratt as Ted Kord/Blue Beetle, and either Jason Vanderbeek or maybe Anthony Starr as Booster Gold. Make that movie, let James Gunn go full metal James Gunn on it and bask in profits.
Aside from that I still don't take him as Blue Beetle. It's like they just NEEDED to recycle a name/concept. But they weren't able to really weave into the existing mythos, so they just decided to make a new character and make his Maguffin look like a scarab and be blue.
Overall though, they had "magic centric" Blue Beetle, then the Blue Beetle I read growing up (Ted Kord) who was a lot like a less mentally damaged version of Batman (rich, smart, gadgets..). Then they had to do "techno" version and we get this.
I still long for a Blue and Gold movie with Chris Pratt as Ted Kord/Blue Beetle, and either Jason Vanderbeek or maybe Anthony Starr as Booster Gold. Make that movie, let James Gunn go full metal James Gunn on it and bask in profits.
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