Board Games


We had tons of clues, but the damn mythos deck just kept running down the doom clock. That and we could not roll 5 or 6's to save our lives. One guy rolled 11 dice for a attack, got 2 successes... The Elder Gods where happy!

Mountain Man_sl

So Dominion has really emerged as the game of choice for my friends and I. Everyone seems to love it. We had five people for our last game night so we played with five people, even though it is only meant for four. I am already ordering the Intrigue expansion so we can play with up to six. Stoked about game night(s) this coming week!


Molten Core Raider
Played Last Night on Earth for the first time this weekend and really enjoyed. First game we won really easily, just got lucky with the rolls and an easy scenario. @nd game was much tougher and ended up going down late in the game but enjoyed every minute of it. Usually the sign of a good game when you have fun even while losing.


I got to play a few new games for the first time last night. Shadows over Camelot(actually my second time playing this), Wiz Wars, Betrayal at House on the Hill, Dixit and Cutthroat Caverns(didnt get to finish)

Shadows - Its an enjoyable game, traitor mechanic is interesting. Its just not a game I would want to play often. Game plays out too similar each time.

Wiz Wars - This was one that I knew nothing about before hand going into it. 4 Mages fighting each other and playing Capture the Flag with each others treasure/trying to murder each other. Played it twice, and had fun both times. Seems with different schools of magic that you can play with, you can get some interesting combos going.

Betrayal - Anyone that doesnt know about this game - Its a basic explore a haunted house game, but at some point during the game, the Haunt happens and someone in your party becomes a traitor with different win objectives. The first part exploring is pretty simply straight forward, but once the haunt hits, things get way more tense and people start to die. With 50 different possible Haunts that are random, and a completely modular board, I think this is an awesome game. Had a ton of fun, and kicked some traitor ghost summmoning ass for the win first time through.

Dixit - Apples to Apples but with pictures. If you are super creative, Im sure this would be a more enjoyable game. I didnt hate it, and I did actually win, but I would never go out of my way to play it. Creative and non-gamer types might enjoy it.

Cutthroat Caverns - Card game were you fight together to kill monsters.....or fuck with each other to get everyone else killed. Really interesting mechanics for a card game. You have to make it out of the dungeon to win, so you cant just focus on fucking with each other super early. But you only get the prestige for killing a monster if you do the killing blow, so the backstabbing/fucking with starts off pretty early. I didnt get to finish this due to time constraints, but had a blast playing it. Too long to be a filler, and not quite a party game either, but playing with 6 wasnt too bad. I personally would have enjoyed it more with just 4 or 5.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
I just picked up Flashpoint this weekend. Great co-op game. Some similarities to Pandemic, but different enough that I don't mind owning both.


Played Last Night on Earth for the first time this weekend and really enjoyed. First game we won really easily, just got lucky with the rolls and an easy scenario. @nd game was much tougher and ended up going down late in the game but enjoyed every minute of it. Usually the sign of a good game when you have fun even while losing.
If you liked this game I would highly recommend Zombicide. Very similar only someone doesn't have to be the zombies!


Molten Core Raider
Eldritch Horror kicked our group again last night. We play with 6-7 people so we know its a uphill fight. But shit, we only finished one mystery before the doom track hit 0. Great co-op game, but it is seriously challenging.
My group and I have played this a handful of times and we almost always win. Last week we played the expansion for the first time and we lost *hard* after only completing 1 quest even though we were using the martial artist chick (whose special abilities needs to be nerfed, tbh). It didn't help that I only got 3 successes in my last 20 die rolls, but the expansion quests (Yigg I think?) are definitely more challenging.

On a side note, anyone planning on going to BGGcon this year? Me, a couple guys from my group, and at least one of my brothers are going. Might be fun to get in some games with rerolled/foh peeps.

Also, anyone else have a chance to play Imperium 2030? I am curious what people think about it. The last couple times we have played I thuught I had it figured out, but after counting up all the points at the end I am like way off. Can't tell if it just has alot more depth to it or if I am just thinking about it incorrectly.


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Yig is a bitch in Eldritch Horror - end up having to be so many places at once because of the tight Doom clock (even though him awakening isn't THAT horrible compared to most) - with some really rough mysteries.


Silver Knight of the Realm
New game this week - Euphoria. It played really well. Felt like I was playing in the Bioshock world, which is kind of the theme since it's a dystopian control game. It was nice because the game play is fast, 60 - 90 minutes, playes with up to 6 players, and has easily explained verbal rules. We managed to get in 4 game in an evening.


Tangent, got the FFG Lord of the Rings living card game. Very nice feel. 2 players coop against the game. Starter box comes with 3 different multipart quests, 1 easy, 1 midrange and 1 hard. Played the 1st (easy) with a friend the first time and it was not bad. The game mechanics feel good and we had fun. Moved to the 2nd quest line (medium), significantly harder! "They have a cave troll..." literally. Have not had time to run the last quest. Dunno how much of a $ sink it is with the chapter packs and other box expansions, but for a 2 man coop card game, so far, it is pretty darn nice.

Card art is pretty awesome also, bonus!


My group and I have played this a handful of times and we almost always win. Last week we played the expansion for the first time and we lost *hard* after only completing 1 quest even though we were using the martial artist chick (whose special abilities needs to be nerfed, tbh). It didn't help that I only got 3 successes in my last 20 die rolls, but the expansion quests (Yigg I think?) are definitely more challenging.

On a side note, anyone planning on going to BGGcon this year? Me, a couple guys from my group, and at least one of my brothers are going. Might be fun to get in some games with rerolled/foh peeps.

Also, anyone else have a chance to play Imperium 2030? I am curious what people think about it. The last couple times we have played I thuught I had it figured out, but after counting up all the points at the end I am like way off. Can't tell if it just has alot more depth to it or if I am just thinking about it incorrectly.
My group just must suck... Lost to Shub last night just after we started the last mystery. Guess we need to up our focus on the mysteries and spend less time on buffs/spells and exploring. Hate life w/o blessing of Isis though =P


Bronze Baronet of the Realm
Shub IMO was the hardest of the original 4 by a pretty wide margin.

But yes, Mysteries are always key to winning and focusing on whatever they demand at the given time (and stocking on clues when not sure, because most use clues) - also stocking up on tickets for more fluid movement is often more valuable than "make an asset roll" every single turn like some people like to do. (i.e. my wife - she'll have 42 asset cards in front of her and still work on more...)


I think your wife's a bigfoot gus.
<Silver Donator>
New game this week - Euphoria. It played really well. Felt like I was playing in the Bioshock world, which is kind of the them since it's a dystopian control game. It was nice because the game play is fast, 60 - 90 minutes, playes with up to 6 players, and has easily explained verbal rules. We managed to get in 4 game in an evening.
Enjoyed this too a week or two ago. I like Lords of Waterdeep and this felt like a deeper experience with many more options rather than 'well i go 3rd, I'm fucked'. We only got one game in over the course of like 3 hours with 6? people because my friends are tards.

Have since played Waterdeep + expansion, a lot more fun.


Shub IMO was the hardest of the original 4 by a pretty wide margin.

But yes, Mysteries are always key to winning and focusing on whatever they demand at the given time (and stocking on clues when not sure, because most use clues) - also stocking up on tickets for more fluid movement is often more valuable than "make an asset roll" every single turn like some people like to do. (i.e. my wife - she'll have 42 asset cards in front of her and still work on more...)


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I just bought Dominion, Ticket to Ride Europe, Battleship Galaxies and Forbidden Island. The girlfriend and I only got to play Dominion yesterday but we both really enjoyed it. My only complaint is that some of the cards are pretty bad but I suppose you can't expect them all to be amazing. It is nice that you can make every game different by using different cards. I'm also excited about all the expansion possibilities
there's really no Bad Cards in Dominion, they may just be not as Good as they can be depending on the kingdom. I'd be a bit more careful with expansions, though, some really bloat the Game and are just plaid confusing for casual players
there's really no Bad Cards in Dominion, they may just be not as Good as they can be depending on the kingdom. I'd be a bit more careful with expansions, though, some really bloat the Game and are just plaid confusing for casual players
Yeah Dominion is pretty awesome. Fast game, tons of strategy, and can be so different every time. Although the guy whose house we usually play at banned the Pirate expansion because of this incident where I had an absolute blowout win by accumulating like 10 of those gold doubloons.

Mountain Man_sl

Yeah after playing a lot more and reading some on Dominionstrategy I discovered that pretty much all cards have situations where they are good. I bought Intrigue and then my girlfriend bought Seaside and Prosperity just recently. She is feeding my addiction... I guess I can't complain though.


Molten Core Raider
Settlers of Catan is a really bad game. The random element is way too random. If you are looking for a trading game there are many many better options out there. Now, you add in the Settlers expansions that curb some of the randomness then it becomes a much better game, still not as good as the alternatives though.
A guy at work hates the shit out of dice in any game so we give everyone a deck of playing cards, ace through six. You then draw up to 4 cards at a time and can play whatever you'd want your 'dice' to roll. Shuffle when you run out of cards. Shifts the luck element of games to more strategy. We sometimes introduce elements like kings can force everyone to discard entire hand and redraw, jacks let you change someone elses die roll, etc...depending on how much of a dick we feel like being to each other.

We've found it to be quite successful at making games where someone can get die roll fucked early more tolerable.


Or you can just adopt the "welfare" system in Catan where on any given dice roll if you don't get a resource, you get a gold coin. You can then trade in 2 gold coins for any one resource.