SW: Sean, CW: Crone, GW: Wizardhawk
- 6,928
- 4,336
My dislike of Gillian is simply that time is already being stretched thin. It's been, what, 2 episodes since we've had any Harrow? We've hardly seen Eli outside of him being in the background with Nucky. Chalky has only had a handful of screen time. Hell, we've hardly gotten to know Dr. Narcisse. I'm sure that we had seen much more of Rosetti by episode 5 last season than we've seen of Narcisse this season. What about Luciano and ANYTHING to do with New York? Have we even been to New York this season? The closest we've come is having a heavy dose of Rothstein making an ass of himself in Atlantic City. Meanwhile we have Gillian seemingly getting inordinate amounts of screen time for how interesting her plot is. It's about to get even worse with the reintroduction of Margaret. They're definitely suffering from too-many-characters-itis at this point.