Boardwalk Empire


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
I just watched that a couple of weeks ago. The dude is amazing. Really good movie.
HBO did a really good documentary on The Iceman about 10 or so years ago. I highly recommend it, as it's almost all interviews with the actual dude.


Buzzfeed Editor
no actually i think chalky will always try to hold that over nucky's head. even when purnsley killed the white guy, chalky said something like, "he helped you out of a spot", i think he'll always rub that in nucky's face if and when he can, like he thinks it's an ongoing debt, while nucky thinks it's paid.
Rewatched that episode, and I don't know about this. I don't get the impression that Chalky is really trying to hold it over over Nucky so much as it is a statement of fact. Nucky was in a position where he was going to lose everything and most likely be killed and Chalky stood up for him. Chalky feels like he is in a similar place now and Nucky is really just condescending and kind of a dick. Which is who Nucky is, they aren't friends or even colleagues. Nucky views Chalky as beneath him, a tool that he uses, and he treats him that way. Chalky wants things to be one way, but they're the other.


Buzzfeed Editor
Chaos is right. Nucky is being a dick. Chalky went to bat for him when it was completely advantageous for him to fuck Nucky over, and, in fact, VERY risky to be helping Nucky at all (Once Nucky was gone, you know Chalky was next for not swapping sides.). Yet Nucky is ready to refuse Chalky because it might make some no name asshole in New York, that's absolutely no threat to Nucky, a little mad?

Essentially Chalky stood to lose everything helping Nucky and he did it anyway. Nucky stands to lose nothing for helping Chalky and he's being a dick. Nucky's just being a plain dick here, no way around it.


Musty Nester
Yeah, Nucky is being an asshole about it. I do kind of like how they show Narcisse knows what the score is on that account. Whatever other delusions he may have, Narcisse properly understands the depth of Nucky's bigotry. He understands that the attachment to Chalky is at best a practical one. But Narcisse played it completely wrong trying his show of power. I like how he tried for force Nucky's respect, and I like how utterly predictable the reaction is going to be.

Chalky knows that's not possible. It rages chalky -- but he knows it. Nucky isn't going to be standing up for Chalky, he's going to be standing against that other (dangerous) uppidy American Inventor.

And I also really like how understated the entire thing is. Nucky wouldn't consider himself a bigot, and in the context of his time I don't think I would either. He did give chalky the club, after all. He does treat chalky as equal in many ways, for whatever other failings the relationship may have. But there are those inescapable attitudes.

Exploring the racism theme could have been handled much more poorly.

Chalky wants things to be one way, but they're the other is exactly right.


The Dirty Dozen For the Price of One
<Nazi Janitors>
So someone who pays attention and remembers actual details of episodes?


Blackwing Lair Raider
@Grumpus I would watch it for sure. The Chalky storyline has been fucking awesome in this show.


Buzzfeed Editor
Nucky wouldn't consider himself a bigot, and in the context of his time I don't think I would either. He did give chalky the club, after all. He does treat chalky as equal in many ways, for whatever other failings the relationship may have. But there are those inescapable attitudes.
Yep. And I think this was really evident in Nucky's massive hypocrisy. When he was like "I handle my business, I don't go getting distracted by a woman." was one of, if not the most, hypocritical things I've seen on TV. After last season, for Nucky to say that with a straight face, shows the immeasurably different standards he judges Chalky and himself on. Chalky can make a much smaller mistake, and be judged far more harshly on it.


<Prior Amod>
Rewatched that episode, and I don't know about this. I don't get the impression that Chalky is really trying to hold it over over Nucky so much as it is a statement of fact. Nucky was in a position where he was going to lose everything and most likely be killed and Chalky stood up for him. Chalky feels like he is in a similar place now and Nucky is really just condescending and kind of a dick. Which is who Nucky is, they aren't friends or even colleagues. Nucky views Chalky as beneath him, a tool that he uses, and he treats him that way. Chalky wants things to be one way, but they're the other.
Yeah that's what I was getting at in my post a page or two ago, you explain it a bit more clearly than I did.

porkchop sandwiches

Potato del Grande
Amazing episode...Chalky's ass survives yet again.

Did anyone else think that after the shoot out in Chicago that it was Torrio's body slumped in that chair? They were alluding to him retiring soon.


FPS noob
holy fuck is that louis gossett jr as chalkys... uncle, dad, ? goddamn

shits going down hard and fast, even the mrs schroder scenes weren't too bad. Torrio didn't die this episode, Al even remarks to George "hey, isn't it lucky torrio got out right before that happened" and george just kinda rolls his eyes. Dunno how shit goes down in reality, but it seems like Torrio is gonna die, Narciss is gonna die, and maybe Masseria will die too (I believe that kicked off a massive gang war in NYC too, sort of the inspiration for godfather?). The wildcard is Chalky, I really really thought he was gonna die in that car ride and was up out of the couch that entire ride. Dunno whats going on with Eli either, so far it seems pretty straight up he's turned into a rat.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
holy fuck is that louis gossett jr as chalkys... uncle, dad, ? goddamn

shits going down hard and fast, even the mrs schroder scenes weren't too bad. Torrio didn't die this episode, Al even remarks to George "hey, isn't it lucky torrio got out right before that happened" and george just kinda rolls his eyes. Dunno how shit goes down in reality, but it seems like Torrio is gonna die, Narciss is gonna die, and maybe Masseria will die too (I believe that kicked off a massive gang war in NYC too, sort of the inspiration for godfather?). The wildcard is Chalky, I really really thought he was gonna die in that car ride and was up out of the couch that entire ride. Dunno whats going on with Eli either, so far it seems pretty straight up he's turned into a rat.
I'm thinking Hoover takes out Narcisse or at the very least arrests him. I fear for Chalky though..

As for Torrio being behind the shooting....

History spoilers..
No, it was the north side taking revenge for the O'Banion killing. The show hasn't deviated majorily from gangster history so I'm sure they'll stick to it in this case.

Best show on TV.


They are extremely careful to detail when it comes to non fictional characters so if you know any at all about Torrio's biography he is forced into retirement because he will likely in the next episode have an assassination attempt on him by guys who worked for O'banian knowing it was Torrio/Capone who ordered the hit on their boss or simultaneously while Capone was getting his office shot up, Torrio was getting hit off-camera and they might start the next chicago scene with Capone rushing to Torrio's hospital. Al took over the chicago operations after, Torrio was actually nearly killed in the attack, iirc he was shot 5 or 6 times.

The shootout at Al perplexes me because there's nothing in any history book or biography i've read about Capone being targeted, at this point in history he was considered Torrio's underboss so was an unfit target for a retaliation attack as O'banion was actually the boss of the northside gang at the time of his murder. The historical value this show provides is A+. It alone makes it worth watching to me. The time/scene/settings all of it really keep me watching. I think the fictional characters this season have been largely lackluster and predictable. One of the best scenes i've ever seen in a TV show/Movie was the scene how Al Capone's brother got hit at the labor plant, although its awkward how they chose to portray his brother, Historically his brother was always the hot head and Al was the more reasonable one.

In a side note Joe Masseria isn't going away anytime soon. He stays in power until 1930-1931.


Musty Nester
"Quite the treat"

I'ma hate to see Rothstein go belly up.

Edit: And I don't think we'll see much of Eli past this season either. I think Knox is going to cut him loose and Eli will get away with it. He could either die or just fade into the background as his son takes his supporting role and Eli descends into troubled alcoholism.


<Gold Donor>
God damnit HBO, I'm begging you to please not cancel this show early. I feel like I come in here every Monday and type "best show on tv", but it really is. Great fucking episode.