Really good interview with Jack Huston.
I think he brings up some good points. I know we all loved Harrow and wanted to see him as the
super gangster hit man, but that's just not who he really was. That's what he became when he thought that was all he could ever amount to after the war - but then, he found love and something worth dying for. He brings up a good point that the character could easily become too repetitive, sort of a deus ex machina, to swoop in and just kill everyone that's causing problems. He sort of did that at the end of Season 3, but they atleast gave him a good reason for doing it.
Jack Huston says it best:
"Tragic characters have to die tragically. And that's how you keep them in your heart forever."
I still wish his ending wasn't
quiteso tragic. Killing an innocent girl...even if he made it out unscatched physically, he was going to be dead emotionally.