This is one of their official promos:For being the last season I imagine its going to be pretty action packed in order to tie up so many stories.
Well, part of it. They could do a time jump partway through the season. I would warrant that is what they will do, I can't imagine them skipping the 1929 Rothstein shenanigans.Season takes place in 1931. That means Rothstein is dead by then (sadly), but we will see Capone's trial and Masseria will die.
It's too bad they cancelled the show because Terence Winter had a deal with HBO (when Scorsese was actively producing the thing) to run the show story wise until 1933 (when most stuff happened). As a fan or Winter's writing, I would have liked for Boardwalk Empire to run 2 or 3 more seasons with new characters as good as Jimmy, Van Alden, Capone or Harrow and kickass scenes (Harrow's Brothel Rampage and some other trackshots).Ya, they've invested way too much time into Arnie to not give him a proper send off. The actor and character deserve to die on screen. Can't fucking wait for this to come back, by far my favorite show on tv (maybe of the last 3-5 years?!).
I have put this post into google translator and still no luck on figuring out what language is being spoken. any help?Too bad they kind of axed the show since Terence Winter had a mouth contract with HBO (when Scorsese was actively producing the thing) over going from scratch until 1933 (when most stuff happened). As a Winter's writing fan, Boardwalk Empire got sideways with exceptional character writing (Nucky, Jimmy, Van Alden, Harrow, etc) and top notch directing (Harrow's Brothel Rampage and some other trackshots).
Boardwalk Empire is David Chase's The Sopranos direct heir : exceptionally well written characters with commited actors and badass production (well until some point). Now that BE has an end date I'm just gonna watch the whole show again, because that wiseguy impersonating Napoleon is probably the best photo shot I've seen from some time. Boardwalk Empire was the neolithic age of organized crime, only some monkeys found a way to sell fire. Who cares about matches when someone is forceflully pulling matches down your throat ?
awful newsseason 5 is only gonna be 8 episodes unfortunately, compared to 12 for previous seasons.