Amazon and Hollywood and movies aren’t part of the media? Cohen doesn’t work in the medium of motion pictures? Media being the plural of medium? If you want to be semantic then maybe you should know what the fuck you’re talking about. I didn’t say he was a journalist.Bro, Borat isn't the fucking media. Meaning his job isn't to provide whatever you consider to be equal time. He's making fun of the people in power right now. Last time anyone paid attention to him, he was making fun of the people in power.
He has no responsibility to be fair or balanced. But don’t act surprised when people call you out for implying that they’re being humorless because we used to laugh at people in power getting mocked when in fact it’s only ever one side being mocked. You’re so disingenuous but I think you believe what you’re saying so maybe you are genuine but just stupid.
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