He just said he wont. We'll see I guess.
Thought he started off saying he was going to continue and Roy could fight on the undercard. Would you take this sanctioned rematch or Mcgregor v Mayweather
Yeah, he took two big shots to his kidneys.I bet Roy is going to be pissing blood for a week.
I’m not sure anyone here is saying Tyson would have a shot in the pros, just that he looked damn good tonight. Surprisingly so.Guys, it's an exhibition they announced before the fight there would be no actual results lol.
Tyson would get murdered by any legitimate Top 20-30 heavyweight. Dude is old, and they weren't throwing any real shots in there that wasn't to the body. I'd wouldn't mind seeing him in there with bottom feeder heavyweights, sure why not. But absolutely zero interest against actual competition. Punch resistance absolutely disappears at his age.
Man, Tyson - Roy circa '03-04 would've been great. Heavyweight vs. the freak show Super Middleweight.
Robinson was wearing Blippi sneakers. He never stood a chance.Jake Paul merc'd Nate Robinson.
I tell ya what, Mike Tyson better thank those that made "The Hangover" because, from that moment on, everyone forgot he raped a woman and then loved him again. haha
his whole career at this point is because of that movie.
gotta get that spotlight and cash i guess.Wat
Floyd Mayweather vs. Logan Paul Boxing Match Is Set for February, Let's Go!
We told you it was close ... and now it's official -- Floyd Mayweather is fighting Logan Paul.amp.tmz.com