Rofl, just did my first Terminus, got 1.8 million points.
Maxwell (lead) SBB10 - Angelic Foil + Steeple Rose
Elza SBB10 - Angelic Foil + Steeple Rose
Zelnite SBB10 - Angelic Foil
Duel-SGX SBB10 - Angelic Foil
Michele SBB10 - Angelic Foil
Maxwell (friend) - Amanhaboken, Steeple Rose
Used Marauder set.
1st round against Zebra, Fujin on both maxwells + elza and zelnite, SBB order -> Elza -> Zelnite -> Maxwell x2.. one shot him, with most of my BB gauges up and ready for round 2.
2nd round SGX -> Michele -> Elza -> Zelnite -> Maxwell x2 (both of them only had BB not SBB), one shot everything..
every round after that I had full SBB up, and used same order as round 2 for SBB order, everything was one shot killed.
Fuck the 3 rounds for points, kill everything in one shot and get 1.8m
Just gonna grind it out now.