Brave Frontier


Silver Knight of the Realm
I know we are halfway through FH already, but I just came up with my new/final team. I been working really hard the last few days trying to pull off the elusive double maxwell spark technique, and it was not going well at all. It seems like it's a frame perfect technique and most of the time in FH it was very rarely working. Even in perfect practice conditions I was only pulling it off like at like 20% rate, and that was using the maxwells first and against small sprite/single enemies. This is all with a new phone and graphics turned off.

Maxwell Death Axe / Bathootha
Elza Amanohabaken / Steeple
Michelle Amanohabaken
Dia Amanohabaken
Zelnite Amanohabaken / Steeple
Maxwell friend with any crit sphere...

1.92 on first attempt. Maxwell->Elza->Michelle->Maxwell->Dia->Zelnite produced crazy amount of sparks compared to using the two maxwells last. About 100k worth of silver coin drops form the third stage alone. The team basically sacrifices 10% crit, but that was pretty much all SGX was bringing to the table. The dark buff was not that useful this time around.

Dia and Zelnite seems overkill, but Zelnite makes the second round go so much smoother with his BB BC boost. Makes everything more consistent. Dia was just my last best option with the thunder buff to kill phee 100% without attack elixir and also to do more natural fire damage with Maxwell LS to the crazy amount of earth units.

Swipe order for the first fight was Dia -> Maxwell -> Elza -> Maxwell


Silver Knight of the Realm
Who is our resident BF expert? Need some assistance team building (previously posted).
What are you looking to do? Just general questing?

Well overall units to focus on for leveling asap would be...

Narza (B)
Ulkina (A)
Michelle (A)
Aisha (G)
Raydn (A)
Lilly (O)
Arius (L)

And that would be order in order of overall importance. My opinion of course. Lilly can be knocked way down there actually now that I think about it. You would need Oulu or Darv first.

For questing I would run...

Uda (L)

Swipe Order Aisha -> Uda -> Michelle -> Raydyn -> Ulkina

Ulkina be best overall instead of Melchio except maybe for dark dungeons or places light buffs needed. If you need the heals though keep Ulkina. Can swap out Raydyn for Melchio then.

Replace Aisha with other crit buffer if you can. Kuda if you can pull from this rate up would be ideal. In that case you could run...

Dia (L)
Melchio / Uda


Silver Knight of the Realm
You are welcome.

Just to add to the list to level. After those above I would go for Zephyr, Zellha, Lunaris. Not in any particular order. Just to flesh out your choices for each element. Your earth selection is kinda meh. I don't think Tia will ever be much use. She just heals too much and that is all she does. Even her HOT is meh because of heart crystals production boosting is pretty much same thing. And if you are bringing Tia somewhere, it is probably going to include Zelnite anyway.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I was running Elza Lead, Lilith, 5* Dilma, Ronel, Melchio for FH and can only crack 600k on beginning and mid. Any suggestions for tweaking? Or Spheres, or even play style to get a larger score?

edit: Just ran with Maxwell, got 842k on End... and then BF stopped on me. Motherfucker. Also, start/mid rewards finish after 600, so I guess it doesn't matter. I need another 100k on End to top out those rewards I guess.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I haven't been tracking all my honor summons, but I got 2 sphere frogs in 200ish. Look on me with envy.


I just did Karl at 92 (and it was like 50k xp). Was easy though I fucked up and lost two people to his <50% shitstorm aoe.
I just went in and did him and Grah back to back the other day going in pretty much blind. Karl was a little harder just because so many of my best units are fire. Used damage team to get him to half, then an experimental survivability team to whittle him down. Lilly/Grah leads, Darvanshel, Tiara, Exvahl, and I think Reaze. Worked a charm, between Darvanshel and Tiara I only used a couple Cures. Grah I just took this team in from the start, except with Dilma in place of Reaze. Slowly killed him NP.


@Kantern Since you seem to be in a helpful mood. I need to kill Maxwell.

(A) Michelle 6* lvl 100 SBB 10
(O) Luthur 6* lvl 100 BB 1
(L) Darvansal 6* lvl 100 SBB 10
(L) Ulkina 6* lvl 36 BB 1
(G) Farlon 5* lvl 28
(A, L, B) Vishra 4*
(G) Homusubi 4*
(B, G) Ramna 4*
(G) Phoenix 4*
(B) Freya 4*
(A) Ciara 4*

(L) Felneus 6* lvl 100 SBB 10
(A) Raydn 6* lvl 100 SBB 6
(A) Lucina 6* lvl 62 BB 2
(A, G, B) Tesla 5* (G lvl 79)
(A, L) Signas 5*
(L) Dean 5* lvl 33
(B) Arius 5*
(G) Phee 4*
(L) Kuhla 4*
(B) Eve 4*

(B) Douglas 6* lvl 100 SBB 10
(A) Altri 6* lvl 100 BB 6
(B) Dilma 6* lvl 100 BB 3
(O) Zelnite 6* lvl 100 SBB 10
(A) Ophelia 5* lvl 80
(A) Miku 5* lvl 80
(A) Darvan 5* lvl 15
(G) Faris 4* lvl 59
(A) Douglas 4*
(L) Tia 4*
(L) Luly 4*
(G) Twins 4*
(G) Zelban 4*
(L) Golem 4*

(G) Exvehl lvl 99 BB 3
(B) Rowgen 6* lvl 68 BB 1
(B) Grybe 6* lvl 1 BB 1
(L) Loch 5* lvl 29
(L) Kushra 4* lvl 26
(A) Rina 5* lvl 23
(L, G) Rashil 4*
(A) Uda 4*
(B) Garnan 4*

(B) Melchio 6* lvl 100 BB 1 (Pulled an A today 4*)
(L) Themis 5* lvl 80
(A) Zellha 5*
(A) Azael 4* lvl 35
(O) Narza 5*
(L) Rameldria 5*
(G) Yujeh 5*
(B) Sefia 5* lvl 80
(A) Sefia 4*
(A, G) Lebra 4*
(G, B) Sodia 4*
(B, L) Alyut 4*
(G) Themis 4*
(G) Zellha 4*
(A, G) Azael 4*
(A) Narza 4*
(A, L) Aem 3*

(G) Lilly 6* lvl 100 SBB 10
(G) Elza 6* lvl 99 SBB 4
(A) SGX 6* lvl 100 SBB 6
(B) Lunaris 6* lvl 36 SBB 3
(L) Grah lvl 55 BB 1
(B) Lira 5* lvl 54
(B) Zephyr 5* lvl 63
(L) Semira 5* lvl 47
(B) Elza 4*
(O) Kuda 4*
(L) Ardin 4*
(B) Zebra 4*
(B) Logan 4*
(L) Kajah 4*
(L) Hades 4*
(B) Lemia 4*

Any help on team comp would be awesome. I am lvl 111 with 262 cost (in trial.)


I was running Elza Lead, Lilith, 5* Dilma, Ronel, Melchio for FH and can only crack 600k on beginning and mid. Any suggestions for tweaking? Or Spheres, or even play style to get a larger score?

edit: Just ran with Maxwell, got 842k on End... and then BF stopped on me. Motherfucker. Also, start/mid rewards finish after 600, so I guess it doesn't matter. I need another 100k on End to top out those rewards I guess.
I'd suggest changing lillith out with a unit that has a SBB that's produces lots of sparks? My team would OHKO most mobs and refill all bb gauges on everything but single target mobs. I think I got just around/over 1mil on mid and end pretty consistently.

RNGesus loves you Grimmlokk QQ


<Prior Amod>
Should I summon for Tia? Tiara is still my only healer(x 3).
I'd try for either ulkina again or fan favorite ulkina/tree

seems to me, the times you need/want a healer you also want to status cure as well.

Before ulkina i'd have to use lunaris to cure all or have darv lead(gives group immune).

this is from trying maxwell with themis/lunaris.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Well I have Exvahl for status cure\immunity and I assume I'd take him anywhere I'd be bringing a healer. Plus it could be ages until I get a shoot at the other ones. Would be nice to get a healer now while all the events are running.


Tried for kuda. Ulkina Ax2 Darv #3 Farlon #2 and someone shitty I fused away and forgot. Didn't get a sp in my 430ish summons. Feels bad man. Grybe at 100 with a hit orb is nearly as hell though so that's cool I guess.


Blackwing Lair Raider
Is anyone else getting a bug going into the sphere equip screen where there is no back option and you have to force quit out? Tried bringing up a character portrait window, hitting back & still no back option to go to any screen but that sphere list.


Golden Squire
I keep holding out hope that they'll 6* the vortex dropped units but no, there's not much point in keeping them overall.


Mr. Poopybutthole
is xenon even worth keeping at this point? i imagine if they bring back the dungeon i should be able to get him again right?
I've been slowly fusing mine away. Got rid of Lico yesterday. I can't imagine they'll ever be worth a shit. When 90% of the rare summons are garbage, the vortex stuff isn't likely to outclass anything most of us have anymore.


I've been slowly fusing mine away. Got rid of Lico yesterday. I can't imagine they'll ever be worth a shit. When 90% of the rare summons are garbage, the vortex stuff isn't likely to outclass anything most of us have anymore.
i might have to start doing this.

and of course when i need a metal god to make a metal mimic they're nowhere to be found