Brave Frontier

I actually meant that Alim developed and owns the game and runs it how they want, and the license the game (and code) to Gumi to do the non-JP side.
Could be, I just heard it was like the tencent/riot situation were alim sold to gumi but kept their independence in their original market. They of course still develop the game but are now a subsidiary of gumi.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I was going to just say fuck these units because I don't need them, but I don't have a paralyzer for Cardes. I could probably still somehow manage, but I think I'll try for Priscilla.

Edit: Ha. First summon, Priscilla (L). Guess I'm done here. Will save my other summons for whatever OP unit in Ultor/Tridon batch they release next, or something from Rosetta (even though those are marginal upgrades).

All in all, got 3 units from the Dragons and Slayers batch. Belfura (A), Arus (O), Priscilla (L). I'd like Borgeous and Shera, but I'll live without them. And it'll save me the anger at wasting another 10 summons and not getting them (assuming they do a 6* rate up with all the units).

Also, on JP, I've evo'd my Darvanshel to 6*, and working on getting the totems for Arus, Lancia, and Lilly. Next week I'll probably try to max out Lilith and then take down Maxwell. I also need a crap ton more levels. I think I have 97 team cost, and that shit doesn't fit much right now.


<Prior Amod>
i literally feel like a pauper, begging for a tiny 20stat imp upgrade everytime i run the stupid xmas zone, b/c there is jack shit to do.

my victory is 100% on auto, the stupid arena is 100% assured (even if you have 100% fucked up ai as long as you follow typing you'll win).

i mean i really want them to fix arena, have it so that when ppl challenge you, you're affected as well, have it so that when you start an arena it's a coin flip who goes first, is that so hard to do? otherwise the arena is no different than logging in and picking up the lol ass key.

i guess i'll summon when i meet the wife tonite (she still likes to press the button), that's the only joy she has with this stupid game too.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I used Borgeous as my lead for a while on JP. I'm pretty sure mine is completely maxed out (maybe need a couple more imps). I haven't used it at all since I got Rosetta though since I just can't even remotely fit another 28 cost unit. Really, I'm limited to one 6*, three 5*'s, and one 4*.

Speaking of, as I was writing this I just evo'd my Arus (B) to 6*...whoops. Guess I'll just run a 4 man squad for now.

I don't think anyone from here tried to add me on JP. My ID is 18390354. I've go plenty of room remaining. 6* Rosetta (basically a hybrid between Deemo and Elza), maxed out except for attack imps (+300 out of 400 attack). I think Medulla and some other +BB sphere. Too lazy to look them up so I just throw random shit on my units.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Rolled a few times, Alyut (double), Ensel (triple), Luther (new), Iidor (new and rate up?), and Vael (new and rate up). Damn it I wanted a priscilla.

What do you guys do with triples/doubles? I guess i'll keep most double, but a triple? :|


Mr. Poopybutthole
If they're meta type units, I'll keep them. Otherwise BB fodder. Right now the only units I have dupes of are Darvanshel, Zelnite, and Lilly Matah.

Only other current units I'd keep a dupe of are probably Arus, Ulkina, Tridon, Elza, Kuda (only because I like him), and Mifune (for the future). Others I don't have that I'd keep are Shera and Ultor. Anything else and I'm unlikely to use it in a squad period, much less multiple. And really, the ones I have dupes of are only for the event we ever get raids/grand quests. Arus would probably be the only unit in all of those that I'd use multiples of in a single squad right now...and that's only after his 6* is out.

It's sad, but right now I'm running Mifune dungeons and using all the honor points trying to get starters. I could give a shit about another SHS. I really don't need any more crystals/gods/kings, and the sphere frog rate is abysmal.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Rolled a few times, Alyut (double), Ensel (triple), Luther (new), Iidor (new and rate up?), and Vael (new and rate up). Damn it I wanted a priscilla.

What do you guys do with triples/doubles? I guess i'll keep most double, but a triple? :|
You got the best pull of this half of the batch (green dragon). Priscilla is nice for trial 4, but if you have semira or nalmika I don't think she matters that much.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
What makes Ragshelm the best of the half batch?
All are nukers+debuff. Ragshelm has the best debuffs by far. I'll slot Priscilla in a mono light team when 7* come out, but she doesn't outclass dilma as far as nukers go, and other than trial 4 there isn't lots of paralzyable mobs.


Silver Knight of the Realm
What makes Ragshelm the best of the half batch?
Injury effect is one of the most common effects that can hit bosses. Even if it is a small amount. I.E. it is possible to hit Maxwell with injury, although not a high chance.

Rolled three times for the batch...

Shera (O)
Ardin (L)
Fiora (A)

Pretty happy with pulls overall. Wish Shera had anything but oracle, but still going ot raise her.


Silver Knight of the Realm
After my pulls today I started to realize just how unnecessary Anima really is with these new units. I see different types fitting in better.

They are all coming with 6000 base HP now and over 2000 in different stat categories.

I just don't look forward to seeing it anymore, and maybe it is because I wised up a bit.

When it comes to Ardin I almost am glad I got him Lord...6211 HP, 2300 Attack, 1843 Defense, 1755 Rec. Anima drops his Rec to 1500 which I recently learned actually does matter with HC heals. My Anima Darvanshel doesn't have any rec imps yet and sits at 1500ish rec. He was only unit in the winter dungeon lvl 4 that was not being full healed by heart crystals. Obviously imps will fix that, but for units that may never see imps that seems like a pretty big deal to me. Ardin would be one of those units to me. 1755 rec drops to the 1500 range. Breaker drops his defense to 1600s.

My Anima Fiora is one case where I agree with the Anima. She has really high rec and low defense.

Ragshelm and Priscilla? Breaker all the way.

I just don't see these super high health units ever requiring Anima in any content. And if they ever are, most likely there are 6 months later new units that don't require Anima you can do it with.


<Prior Amod>
i've never been a hardass about types, of course i'll prefer a type over another and experience has shown me just how glassy breaker types are, i mean gave up having a healer cuz i had a breaker tree that died all the time in questing (on auto), until i pulled an anime ulkina that never died.

I'll only care about types on farmable units, cuz at least to a certain extent, you can control that.

i.e. trying to farm a breaker mifune, cuz well there really is no other use for mifune than one shot super glass cannon.

or breaker zurg cuz, eh might as well let him do dmg since he's only useful for his LS in arena.

but the useful farmable units are like non-existant atm (except for mifune batch which is so far away from 6star atm, quitting b4 6star seems more likely).


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Grabbed 2 gems from my mail and all gems go bye bye when I went to summon. Restart and gems back. Click summon and "UNEXPECTED ERROR CRASH!".

Why am I still "playing" this game?


<WoW Guild Officer>
Grabbed 2 gems from my mail and all gems go bye bye when I went to summon. Restart and gems back. Click summon and "UNEXPECTED ERROR CRASH!".

Why am I still "playing" this game?
because it's still somehow on-par with PAD and you don't have any GF-only gods?


<Prior Amod>
every time i click on a new screen my gems disappear and reappear.

got 2 lidors on my crap account, wtf?

got the green dragon on main account forgot name.


<WoW Guild Officer>
This is a fucking joke. I can't even get into the Vortex Arena to spend my orbs fighting.


<Prior Amod>
don't you love being in the queue, wtf does that even mean? do i have to wait on the damn screen and then you magically get thrown in?


<WoW Guild Officer>
don't you love being in the queue, wtf does that even mean? do i have to wait on the damn screen and then you magically get thrown in?
Nope, you wait, then try again, and "magically" get in.