Yes, click 2nd blue button down to get keys. Top one is achievements (click the 2nd button on this one and go through every single orange button to claim your points, 3rd button here is to exchange zel/karma/units for points, and 4th is to buy shit), 2nd is keys, 3rd is slot machine (get tokens from raid), 4th is your stats.
Both versions change their day at midnight, but that means you'll be almost a day ahead on JP. So starting at 7am PST Thursday, you'll be on Friday dungeon on JP. Same deal with keys, but they follow global's schedule.
Also, speaking of achievements, I recommend you save them up. The miracle ore to upgrade starters to 7* is 8k achievement points. I don't know if there's a cap on how many you can carry though (sphere frog is also 8k points).