Ok, I've put this off as long as I can, and I need some last minute advice on which free unit to register for:
While I use a crap-ton of specialty groups depending on content, my current all-purpose go to group looks something like this:
Kafkadepending on needs/mood
Griff(Friend Lead) if doing anything that matters, random leads if grinding through anything on auto.
The options I was most considering (although open to others) are:
Chrome(huge spark lead with +HP to replace Zenia who is still awesome but clashes with Gazia)
Zedus(Lacks +HP, lacks any trace of +BC, but mega-damage god still)
Krantz(This fuckin' guy. If I got him, I'd have to decide if he replaces Gazia or if I run a dual-mitigator setup. Having Gazia definitely took my desire for Krantz down a couple pegs)
Honorable mentions:
Avant(amazing leadership skills but clashes badly elsewhere)
Griff(Great Character still, but suffers from being a Crit focused character which is either A) Amazing or B) a Liability.....not sure if I'd be better off just using friend leads where I can with Griff)
Charla(*amazing* set of buffs....but does NOT attack. This puts her into Elimo status....god-tier character that gets used maybe 1% or 2% of the time....then again, with Elimo that is a pretty damned important 1%-2%)
Granted, my current all purpose squad has buff clashes all over the damn place and I haven't re-engineered it yet. I have Paris waiting in the wings for her 7-star so Nadore would be a bit of a waste. Dolk deserves an honorable mention, but with Gazia and Krantz in the mix, + Edea as an option for FG3, he's hard to put on the list. Although I still want a Shida, without knowing if the 7-star version is going to be worth a damn when it comes out, not sure I want to use this rare opportunity on a 6-star, even one as unique as Shida.
I think that covers my primary options. I guess I'm leaning toward Chrome atm just to replace Zenia (I don't know for sure, but Zenia may well bring the higher damage potential here still, but she clashes with Gazia and lacks +HP on her leadership skill).
All-in-all this whole thing feels a little anti-climactic to me. Right now there is no single character I'm drooling over (Not like Krantz in the pre-Gazia days or even Bestie once-upon-a-time) Zedus is still heroic but I'd miss the +BB on Spark that Zenia/Chrome etc offers and he has no +HP on his leadership skill either. Chrome hasn't really even been on my radar, but he might end up being my first choice.
Kinda wish they'd have released the God Gate before this so I could know for sure I wasn't just signing up for a dupe

that'll suck.
Any thoughts? I wanna get this done today so there are no issues.
Edit: Still very strongly considering Zedus just for general whoop-ass-ery.... Besides Zenias +BB% clash with Gazia, she's still fantastic....and Zedus can still bring all kinds of awesome to the table as a Sub, so the "All damage but nothing else" nature of his Leadership skills may not be as much of a liability overall.
Leaning toward Zedus again now
Edit: Then again, between Gazias +BB% buff and Zedus spark buff, Zenia's SBB would be obsolete even with Zedus as a Sub......godsdamnit, my Zenia looks doomed no matter what. Fuck.