So, confession time: Since I've been back, I've been a bit overwhelmed with how much I've missed. I don't even know how many Trials I haven't done (the one that released just after I left rewarded the +15% Stats +Spark Damage sphere, so that one and everything since)....Only the gods know how many Grand Quests I don't have done (I've been hesitant to look at the GQ's, folks talking about infinite crash loops and such have me spooked heh)....and there is a whole bloody list of GGC's I haven't touched.
Today because not a whole lot else seems to be going on, I have decided to spend my Energy on the GGC's while Vortex is still at 1/2 Energy. Turns out I had to go back to the Elgaia GGC (I probably could have auto'd that one, YAY powercreep lol), but I'm still mortified by the newer stuff. I see folks with Omni's I have only ever heard of and Spheres that I've never even seen before struggling against the stuff. I'm going to see about crawling up the ladder one GGC at a time, but I think I'm gonna be bashing my head against a wall before long.
And don't get me started about the Frontier Gate's, when I left there was only one gate, now there are literally a dozen lol. Until this most recent Frontier Hunter, I hadn't used a single Orb since I got back
Just been letting them go to waste because aside from grinding the first gate for points like I was doing before I left, I have no idea where to start or how anything ranks in terms of difficulty. I should have just jumped in and burnt orbs I wasn't otherwise using anyway, but damn, the whole thing is/was intimidating and it was really easy to just busy myself elsewhere.
My Frontier Hunter group is a goddamn disaster. I used to have that down to a science, now I'm just strait running End without even special consideration for what sphere's I'm using like a complete noob heh. Before I left, I had finally cracked the code on how to use my non-attacking Diana whilst guarding everybody else to build UBB's at will every round for huge points. I see folks referring to "Guard Frontier" so I assume that is more-or-less what they are referring to. I suppose Diana would still work for it? I don't think I have anyone else who fits the bill.
Just for reference, my go-to group is 7-star Aurelia, 7-star Libera, Omni Eze (Leader), Omni Avant (still about 50 levels short of even unlocking his SP options) and Omni Krantz (<3, fuck the haters, love my Krantz)....and all are wearing year-old spheres. *Hopefully*, assuming they release Alice's OE next month, this time next month my group would look more like: Eze, Avant, Krantz, Atro, Alice (all Omni), and I'd feel considerably better about my odds. I'd love to get my own OE Ark done, but right now that seems like a pipe dream until I get my shit in order.
I've unlocked RC6 but I haven't touched anything in it yet. I'm 2 Evil Eyes and 4 Calamity Cores away from finishing 2 more Occult Treasures, so I'm gonna work on those before worrying about diving into RC6.
On the plus side, one of the things I've been quietly working on since I got back was rebuilding my friends list. Most folks had dropped me (as expected), and most of the ones who didn't have been long since inactive themselves. I basically had to rebuild my entire friends list from scratch....While the Super Karma Event was still going on, I was able to get back to 100 people on my friends list, and all 100 active within the last 24 hours lol, so that's nice at least.
Yesterday, while the Evo dungeons were on their last day I farmed out 23 Metal Mimics......mundane stuff, but damn it is nice to have a stash of those fuggers. I swear to god they evaporate on the wind.
Today I'm gonna blow my Energy on GGC's, but aside from that, I'm still lost lol
It's all gravy - I'm gonna get there, but even after two weeks, it seems like I barely know where to start. ....I haven't even done any new regular quest missions

LOL Looks like "Wulgee" is new, I assume there is more since Wulgee, but I don't know if I even want to know lol
I have a LOT of work ahead of me.