Mr. Poopybutthole
The arena is kind of messed up. It's low risk high reward. Attack someone way higher than you and you get tons of points for winning, or -10 for losing. Fight someone close to or below your level and you get minimal points for winning, and lose hundreds for losing.I'm 306-22 in arena basically because I'm a huge pussy and never fought anyone that looked like they would beat me (lower hero level, lower arena rank). But recently I've been picking people that will reward 150-200 if I can.
I figured there were people with big wins no loss like me who only pick safe fights but are comparable in level to me. Usually don't fight them. Then there are people with a more even radio that I like to fight.
My criteria for battles is someone 2500-3000 points above me, generally with a poor win/loss ratio (which lately means something like 700-200, or 1000-350), and not more than 30 levels above me. That gets harder as I progress though, because I basically never see anyone within 5 levels of me (and literally no one below my level). I've had to jack up who I face too, and regularly fight guys 100-110, while I'm 73 at the moment.
It starts to matter less about what their team is, and it becomes entirely about luck. If I can kill one of their guys in the first round, I'll probably win. If I don't, I absolutely have to have a BB go off in the 2nd round. If neither of those happens, I'm guaranteed to lose.
My record is 725-100.
My favorite battles are ones like this. Usually kill 1-2 on the first round, fills Lira BB, and then Lira BB to wipe the rest out. 80 seconds remaining. I think I had an 81 second one once. Edit: And of course I posted the wrong SS, with 78 seconds remaining. But fuck finding the right one...