Brave Frontier


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
3% drop rate.

I had no problems killing it with auto-attack (think it was 2 or 3 turns), but then I've been slow in doing the quests and am probably quite a bit more powerful than intended.
Hoping I'm in the same boat. I dragged massive ass on clearing the quest and with the faster energy I've been pushing through the last few days. Autoing everything, I'm like 2 levels from starting my Zebra farm.

Would have been really nice if the honor summons lasted a couple more days, but with the faster stam I can at least make a lot of character progress with just the always open evo/parade dungeons.


<WoW Guild Officer>
I don't know, my team is so fluid. I just got my lilith to 6* form, so I'm farming BB levels to get her to SBB1. Normally it's Lilith lead, 5* Dilma, 5* Rashil, 5* Lily Matah and 5* Dean. I can switch things around but I need team cost for the team I want (Lilith, Lily, Ensel, Elimo, Dilma). Not even sure how many levels I'll need for that. Given I can auto-grind 4P, I'll try to grind tha tout in the next 10 days or w/e.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I don't know, my team is so fluid. I just got my lilith to 6* form, so I'm farming BB levels to get her to SBB1. Normally it's Lilith lead, 5* Dilma, 5* Rashil, 5* Lily Matah and 5* Dean. I can switch things around but I need team cost for the team I want (Lilith, Lily, Ensel, Elimo, Dilma). Not even sure how many levels I'll need for that. Given I can auto-grind 4P, I'll try to grind tha tout in the next 10 days or w/e.
Farming Zebra or Four Pillars gives you plenty of BB spam units while still getting the benefit or exp or a shitty %.


Mr. Poopybutthole
You might struggle with zebra. My team is 4 6* units, 3 of which have SBB (and 2 max SBB), and it still takes me 3 turns to kill.

6* Uda (10 SBB, lead)
6* Lilith (1 SBB)
6* Lunaris (10 SBB)
6* Lancia (5 BB)
5* Serin (4 BB)

Run it 3 times now, always with another maxed out Uda.


Trakanon Raider
Speaking of W/L record, ran in to some guy that was like247-6 the other day, forget his whole team but he had 2 Liras and the whole team took almost no damage somehow and when he went he filled full squad's BB's in one turn. It was hurty. Wish I'd paid more attention to the team.

In the video I linked both high ranked guys have multiple Kikuri's in their team, why is that? Just the high curse chance?
The first one was probably aegis cloaks - they pretty much neutralized any low attack unit for the first two turns ( +360% defense and 25% bc drop rate for 2 turns ). Sadly they got nerfed to the ground ( 100% def ) last night ;p

Kikkuri has high attack, good BC drops and a damage + drop rate leader skill. She makes a good mono team by herself, and being an old unit, people who started early usually have multiple copies.


Trakanon Raider
Been giving the trials of the gods a go. They're tough.
The first one isn't so bad with some def ignore, stuff dies pretty quick. The second trial is a lot harder.
Wiess the first boss reflects damage back so you have to heal after attacking or have a lot of hc generation. He also does big damage aoe and can 1 shot people. the 2nd round of trial 2 i 1 shot the mifune with def ignore, the luna gets an buff at low health and hits hard but i managed. The third boss is a beast (juggernaut) reminds me of a mmo dps check. He seems to complete heal every 10 turns so you have to down him in that time. He has pretty weak damage output though and i could stay alive indefinitely but just couldnt output the damage to down him. He single target drains bb and does a medium strength aoe and full curse every 3 rounds or so. I ran sgx-michele-luther-altri-oulu-zelnite friend. The zelnite was nice for the earlier rounds but i can see a lily matah being very beneficial. It was hard to keep the sbb's up against juggernaut and thus get the damage in. Everything seems to be crit resistant and some status null is essential.
Oulu was a mistake and i wouldnt take any water types. juggernaut and weiss are both thunder. A def ignore bb'er instead of having to use the leader slot for sgx would be nice too.
Gonna have a think and go again with a more refined squad.
Trial of the Gods 2 is Dilma's moment of glory ! ;p His full heal from using his SBB occurs after Weiss's damage reflect so you can just nuke him to your heart's content.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Decided to roll for no real reason. 2nd Homusubi, 3rd Tiara. Fuck me.

I also took my rainbow team in for my first attempt at Zebra, and changed it up a little to specialize. Noticed about 5 floors in that I did not have 5 colors...


I'm emergency leveling up my Zephyr for the Trial of the Gods.
Although I have Melchio and SGX I could use as leader, it's just not as consistent as Zephyr, and I don't have Raydn etc. Got a friend with Dilma, maybe he'll come in handy too.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Reminds me, who should I leave up for you guys? Logan, Luther, or Bordebegia? All are 10/10 SBB. Logan is level 100, Luther is 70ish, Bord is 35 or so.

Just 6*'d Dilma as well, but he needs more BB level before I dump frogs and exp in him.

You might struggle with zebra. My team is 4 6* units, 3 of which have SBB (and 2 max SBB), and it still takes me 3 turns to kill.

6* Uda (10 SBB, lead)
6* Lilith (1 SBB)
6* Lunaris (10 SBB)
6* Lancia (5 BB)
5* Serin (4 BB)

Run it 3 times now, always with another maxed out Uda.
Just did NP with my rainbow team, also 3 turns. Dia helper with SBB, which makes autorunning trash much smoother.

6* Logan (10 SBB)
6* Luther (10 SBB)
6* Dilma (4 BB)
5* Sodis (6 BB)
5* Ahvel (8 BB)

Ahvel is probably a big difference maker for me, 3 turns of status immunity is cool. Used 2 Divine Lights, but 2nd could have been skipped obviously. Though it was close, he only died to the last couple hits on turn 3.

And now to farm...and then when I get one I'll have another potential team I have no patience to build.

edit: I hate beating a new area. The retarded 5 minute story bullshit makes me want to throw my tablet. Especially when the fucking God sparkle whatever the fuck thing starts talking.


Mr. Poopybutthole
edit: I hate beating a new area. The retarded 5 minute story bullshit makes me want to throw my tablet. Especially when the fucking God sparkle whatever the fuck thing starts talking.
Haha! Now that I'm back to doing quests, I've wanted to bitch about that too. Some of them take so fucking long to click through.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I lost like 5 out of 8 arena matches this morning. That shit is unprecedented. I'm like 400-60. Was coming here to type up an angry rant then I noticed that 2 of my normal guys didn't have their spheres on....son of a bitch. 1 I evo'd and the other I moved it. Re-equip, back to winning.

Sometimes I has the dumb.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
I just used my 6 star tree on Zebra and it made it auto-able. Team consisted of all 6 star, level 100, max sbb, tree, grybe, signet, luther with felneus lead. By spam team with tree curing curse every round. It only lasts 3-4 rounds with that at most. Hope that helps if you're still farming him. Do they plan on having a 6 star version of zebra? And is he always Lord? Or did I just roll that. Lastly, a good link to a guide of what to use for a crit team? I don't have Sgx.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I just used my 6 star tree on Zebra and it made it auto-able. Team consisted of all 6 star, level 100, max sbb, tree, grybe, signet, luther with felneus lead. By spam team with tree curing curse every round. It only lasts 3-4 rounds with that at most. Hope that helps if you're still farming him. Do they plan on having a 6 star version of zebra? And is he always Lord? Or did I just roll that. Lastly, a good link to a guide of what to use for a crit team? I don't have Sgx.
Do you have any crit rate buffer units?


Golden Squire
Michele, Elimo, Uda, Melchio, Kikuri, all 6* and all but Melchio at lvl 100. 3-4 turns to kill Zebra but it's not like he poses a serious threat to my units.

Day 4, ho!


Molten Core Raider
I just used my 6 star tree on Zebra and it made it auto-able. Team consisted of all 6 star, level 100, max sbb, tree, grybe, signet, luther with felneus lead. By spam team with tree curing curse every round. It only lasts 3-4 rounds with that at most. Hope that helps if you're still farming him. Do they plan on having a 6 star version of zebra? And is he always Lord? Or did I just roll that. Lastly, a good link to a guide of what to use for a crit team? I don't have Sgx.
Zebra can be either type but it honestly doesn't matter much. You use him for his leaderskill only, not his other stats. A crit team consists of Zebra lead/Zebra friend and everything that can buff up your damage. So Michele and SGX are a given, Luther and some other high dps unit to fill it out.
Your lack of SGX hurts quite a bit to be honest because Zebra doesn't buff crit chance but crit damage. So if your chance to crit is pisspoor, you won't get much out of it. Aisha and/or Bordebegia I believe have a crit buff aswell (although not as good as SGX) so you can use them instead, although it won't be as effective.

Edit: We should get Kuda soon, his SBB buffs booth attack and crit so keep an eye out for him when he gets to the global version.


Golden Baronet of the Realm
Zebra can be either type but it honestly doesn't matter much. You use him for his leaderskill only, not his other stats. A crit team consists of Zebra lead/Zebra friend and everything that can buff up your damage. So Michele and SGX are a given, Luther and some other high dps unit to fill it out.
Your lack of SGX hurts quite a bit to be honest because Zebra doesn't buff crit chance but crit damage. So if your chance to crit is pisspoor, you won't get much out of it. Aisha and/or Bordebegia I believe have a crit buff aswell (although not as good as SGX) so you can use them instead, although it won't be as effective.

Edit: We should get Kuda soon, his SBB buffs booth attack and crit so keep an eye out for him when he gets to the global version.
Ok, cool. Thanks ~ Ive been putting off spending anymore on the game because Im just at that point where I stomp the ever living shit out of everything except for only a few things. Those few things I think, being able to be done by a good crit team. So ill try to buy Kuda if I can (or at least hope for SGX. I have two Aisha's, but I havent leveled them up.

Thanks for the info guys.


So I beat Trial 01 and Trial 02 in Trial of the Gods (new vortex) in 1 try each, with no gems, after a shitload of reading about what strats people are using on reddit, and applied it to the units I have leveled, here's how it turned out.

Trial 01:


6* Bordebegia leader (Mystic Lantern, only SB1) - Used him just for Ares' Excelsior buff.
6* Michele (Sacred Jewel, SBB10) - Atk increase
5* Zephyr (Medulla Geml, SB1) - Leveled him as high as I could from 4* lvl 1 at the last minute, just for Ignore Defense.
6* Zellha (Sacred Jewel, SBB6) - Big AOE 30 hit damage with high chance of Injury/Weak
6* Melchio (Sacred Jewel, SBB10) - Status NULL protection.
6* Luther -Friend- (Can't remember what Sphere, SBB10) - Spark dmg and more BC gen.

Items brought: Holy Flute, 2 Fujin, Cures, Divine Lights, 2 Revives.

On the first fight I popped a Fujin on Zephyr for ignore defense buff, and attacked all in.. got Melchio's SBB in on 2nd or 3rd round in time for him to do his AOE Paralyze, so I didnt get any of my units stunned.. went down pretty fast.
Second fight I had all my units ready for SB/SBB, used Zephyr first for Ignore Defense, and 1 shot him.
3rd fight same thing with almost all SB/SBB ready, Zephyr's ignore defense made the grass boss die in the first volley, 2nd round the water slime died, then took a few rounds to take out King burny.

Trial 02:


5* Hatsune Miku (Medulla Gem, SB2) - Huge BC gen.
6* Lilith (Divine Stone, SBB8) - She is part of my attack plan to kill last boss before he heals.
6* Melchio (Sacred Jewel, SBB10) - Status NULL/Protection
6* Michele (Sacred Jewel, SBB10) - Atk up.
5* Themis (Sacred Jewel, SB1) - My only premium healer :/
6* Dilma -Friend- (Drevas, SBB10) - His Dilma was breaker for 3000+ atk, lol, used to do huge damage to last boss and also as ignore defense. Honestly, the only reason I beat this place in one try.

First fight with Weiss I guard every 3 turns with all my units. When it's time to do massive damage I use all BB's except Themis, and heal with her after, cuase all my guys will be almost dead becuase of reflect. Slow and steady fight but got it done.
Second fight Dilmas ignore defense along with all the other BB's killed Mifune on first turn, then it was a race to get Luna down as fast as possible, she killed 2 of my units with huge attacks, had to use my revives and alot of heal pots before she died.
Third fight, Juggernaught will FULL HEAL himself after 10 rounds, so you must kill him before that happens. Luckily he does not do a whole lot of damage per round, but things got scary because my healer died fairly early and I had no way of reviving, and I was pretty low on cures/lights. Lilith and Dilma took him down by round 7 or 8 though.


Gonna try trial 3 tomorrow, good luck everyone, the sphere at the end of most definitely worth trying for.