Brave Frontier


<WoW Guild Officer>
I've probably had about that many. Only ever kept an anima one though. And once again, it's a unit I maxed out that will never be used a single time.
Water Vortex Arena coming soon!

Dean, Drill King, Arius, Jack, and uh.... Elimo? w/e.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Yeah, I don't give a shit about the elemental vortexes. They're terrible. The units suck and the spheres suck.

Plus, I have Mariudeth, Kuhla, Reeze, Belfura, Rickel, Signas, and Karl/Selena (assuming they get their 6 and 7* forms respectively) that would probably go on my team before Arius.


<Prior Amod>
yea i'm gonna be semi-retired, don't even want to exude the effort to login daily, just nothing to do.


Mr. Poopybutthole
yea i'm gonna be semi-retired, don't even want to exude the effort to login daily, just nothing to do.
Yeah, I don't even put forth the effort to the 3 daily tasks anymore unless they're Arena/Vortex/Fuse. If it's evolve or a quest zone I just say screw it. What do I need a summon ticket or sphere frog for anyway? I've got like 4 or 5 frogs, and nothing to summon for.

The game is slowly dying for me.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Sounds like there's another rate up on starters from honor summon. Once again I wish I had saved my summons for that as opposed to a ton of fucking crystals I don't want/need.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Sounds like there's another rate up on starters from honor summon. Once again I wish I had saved my summons for that as opposed to a ton of fucking crystals I don't want/need.
50 pulls two eze, zero margess. Which is great because I didnt get a magress after two days of farming.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Trial EX1 is out. I haven't tried yet. I may just wait a bit since if I complete it it's back to no more content again.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Trial EX1 is out. I haven't tried yet. I may just wait a bit since if I complete it it's back to no more content again.
One shot with lily, ulkina, Rowgen, zelnite, shera, cardes friend. Ulkina mvp. Going to leave my cardes up for anyone that needs it.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Tridon confirmed OP... just yolo'ed Maxwell and didn't bother counting turns until I got to 30% (and then dicked around guarding to figure out what turn I was in).


Trakanon Raider
One shot with lily, ulkina, Rowgen, zelnite, shera, cardes friend. Ulkina mvp. Going to leave my cardes up for anyone that needs it.
I went with Lily, Aurus, Ulkina, Zelnite, Shera, Cardes. I failed to vet properly though and got some bb1 cardes with no gems and he died 5 times against Estia. I decided to keep going anyway and decided it was probably easier with him dead ( don't give a fuck if his BB is filled, hits on him are less hits on ulkina ).

Pretty sure it's totally not doable without either ulkina or altri, and altri would be pretty damn rough. Estia seems to be designed to aggravate you to death ( fully drains 4 people's BB gauge, curses your whole team, dispels all buffs and does non trivial aoe damage - all that and her hits are like 500 hits for 5 damage, her turns take foooooooorever).


Mr. Poopybutthole
JP finally got rid of the obnoxious "turn auto battle off if you touch the screen" thing.

Also got my first legwand from FH on JP. Had tried Rosetta x2 leads, Ardin, Orna, Maxwell, and Lucca, but if you don't OTK you get wiped pretty much every stage. Swapped out Lucca for Darvanshel and just barely got enough points on terminus. Apparently Borgeous is brutal, but I was able to kill him on the 2nd turn.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Lily tridion leads. Tridions shield will keep zebra from one shoting people at 50%, 25%. Add semira to your team if you have her.
No semira. Anything I should add instead? Wish Raghelm or Ilfucker worked.


Mr. Poopybutthole
Aw shit!


Probably used close to 120 F2P gems trying to get her (and most of those were during the 3 gem summon event). I summoned as soon as it changed over last night and used 35 gems. Didn't get her. But apparently it was bugged and JP is awesome about stuff like that, so I checked my gift box this morning and had 35 gems waiting for me (to clarify, Feeva's rate up was bugged, so they auto-refunded everyone their gems). Did another 5 summons and got her.

So now I've got Selena (A), Taser (G), Alpha (L), Feeva (B), and Sefia (A) as my potential 7* units. Selena and Taser are done (UBB unlocked). I'm crushing JP right now. Did my first grand quest yesterday and that was a blast. Also been slowly trudging through RC2.

Sadly, even with Maxwell, Selena (w/ Lexida), and Feeva, I'll still probably keep using Rosetta as my lead. Fucking love that unit. Feeva may replace her though, we'll see.


I have an oracle zelnite w/ sbb10 and some stat frogs.

I pulled a lord zelnite... Should I relevel him or wait for anima?