Brave Frontier


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
No. Which is why achievement points should be used almost exclusively on imp keys or legend stones.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Legend Stones for me. I think I'll be working the rest of my life trying to get the points for all the gods damned stones I need.

Also Trial X1 just kicked my ass off. I used a Fujin Potion on my 7-star Elimo BEFORE the first round ever started to get Mitigation and +140% defense up from the get-go and she wiped out 4 of my 6 on the very first round, some of which had over 11k+ HP's at the time. The fuck was that?

My second, but inferior group beat Cursed Estia but then Princess Estia's BB drain eventually caught up with me half-way through the fight. I'm still in it as I post this, but now I'm out of heal shit and my healer is taking a dirt nap.

I think I might have won it if my All-Stars didn't get annihilated on the very first round. Fuck.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
First attack in that trial will kill most things. Fujin your mitigator, guard everyone else turn 1. Continue on as normal. Lots of status infliction and bb drain. Think the third round has a massive attack somewhere.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Yea, Going to wait a bit before going back into X1, but I think when I do, I'm gonna totally reverse the way I had my groups set up.

My first group was the very best squad I could put together for the last group was a single unit + friend leader. Going to reverse that next time. Group 1 will be my trash group and allowed to go down in a blaze of glory...Group 3 will be the best I can field and there at the end if they are needed.

Even my group 2 was decent enough with Lily Matah/Kanon leads and Aaron 7star mitigating, but first group was really set up to finish that trial if they didn't get destroyed on the very first round.


Bronze Knight of the Realm
The last popular unit rate up I did 5 summons and the total 6 units were really good. This time only 3 summons but all new units and all first group rate ups. Sorta scared to roll anymore but need to get the free unit at least. Was going for Oulu and Raaga.

(G) Diana
(A) Tree
(O) Oulu


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Nice! I was tempted because I wanted kikuri or raaga, but going to save gems for balgran, kagura, or bestie now.


There a good beginner guide out there anywhere?

Just starting. Did a few pulls, ended up with the following:
Larking Kira (Orcale)
Drake Lord Aisha (Guardian)
Dark Swords Logan (Breaker)
Admonition Kanon (Lord)
Pugilist Dilma (Anima)
God Tree Eltri (Anima)

Only level 11 currently, just been doing quests and arenas as I level. Not sure if I should be doing anything else and what I should focus on unit-wise at this point. Can't use all of my rares in the party due to party points or whatever.


There a good beginner guide out there anywhere?

Just starting. Did a few pulls, ended up with the following:
Larking Kira (Orcale)
Drake Lord Aisha (Guardian)
Dark Swords Logan (Breaker)
Admonition Kanon (Lord)
Pugilist Dilma (Anima)
God Tree Eltri (Anima)

Only level 11 currently, just been doing quests and arenas as I level. Not sure if I should be doing anything else and what I should focus on unit-wise at this point. Can't use all of my rares in the party due to party points or whatever.
Tomorrow is xp day in the vortex. Get as many levels as you can. The major problem at lower levels is having killer units - and you got a few with Kira, Kannon etc - without the necessary cost to put them in a party. And you'll need to evolve them into even costlier forms.

Get as many levels as you can. Save your gems for really good rates. If you can minimize the gems you spend while going through the quests, you could find yourself in a better position than a lot of veterans because gems get really hard to come by if you're f2p and the recent deployment of 7* units has really leveled the playing field.


Thanks for the info.

Just did 3 more summons, seems like I got lucky.

Cerulean Dragon Rubeus (Anima)
Dark Seraph Ardin (Lord)
Necromancer Lemia (Guardian)

Then for the 5 summons bonus I got another Larking Kira (Oracle again).

Any use for duplicates?


I'd stop summoning during this event unless you're still at the stage where you just need something (italics here - on phone). Ardin is good but you should be looking for units with 7* forms either available or announced. There are some exceptions - Rosetta, Fei and Fang, Shera, and some others are still amazing - but seriously, try to be conservative with your gems unless you're paying, which I just don't recommend.

Prioritize that kanon - he's broken as hell imo. At 7* with extra skill he is invulnerable to status ailments and his sbb cures them for the entire party. So basically he's a status nullifier even without his leader skill. His leader skill is also insane, though, as is his SBB.

I don't have a Kira but whenever I use a frienx one my damage goes through the roof.

Selena and Loch both have great 7* forms but you don't have a way to fit them into your squad with current cost. Unfortunately I've only been playing a few months and.don't really know what to tell you to use because I've never had a lot of those units. Ishad will probably be of greater assistance there. Just try to get as many levels as you can tomorrow!


Read that Edea is very good and figured I'd try to grab one during this event with 5 more summons.

Picked up: Shera (L), Edea (L), Claire (B), Uda, Melchio, Undine

Plan to use the rest for leveling now that it seems I have some pretty strong later game units. Adding you as friend as well.


Wow, you've got a hell of a squad coming to you. Grats, man.
Just did 3 summons after seeing your luck. Got a Claire (O), Tia (B), Rubeus (B). Fucking oracle, but I'll take any Claire.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Read that Edea is very good and figured I'd try to grab one during this event with 5 more summons.

Picked up: Shera (L), Edea (L), Claire (B), Uda, Melchio, Undine

Plan to use the rest for leveling now that it seems I have some pretty strong later game units. Adding you as friend as well.
Edea, Melchio, tree, and loch will get their seven stars released at some point on global. Edea is a great raid mitigator, and is popular in dual mitigation teams in Japan, which won't matter until we get ubb buff stacking patch.

In the meantime, Claire lead. Kira, Kanon, shera are your staples.Tree, ardin, and dilma can be in your fifth spots. You can swap Kanon into the lead if you find you need more bulk.

Big patch tomorrow, grand quests, new trial and fh.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
New trial is stupid far I got through all the scripted damage attacks and then died to her normal aoe spam at 30%.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Where's my frontier hunter? Whenever it's active I want it to fuck off, but it's not active so I demand its presence.
I think I missed claiming the rewards from the last one