Brave Frontier


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Beat x3 with double oguru,elimo, Rowgen, feeva, rize. Not sure it is possible without elimo. What a shitty piece of shit.


Oguro seems like an amazing unit to me. Just waiting on more imps - Kikuri, Kanon and Raaga are all 80-90% imped out. Next is Claire, then Oguro. Been a crazy two weeks for me. Retired Maxwell, Fei and Fang and Selena. F&F especially hurt - used them pretty much since they were released. Dropped my beloved Luka and Rowgen about a month ago too. Shera is my only non-7* unit now.


<WoW Guild Officer>
Anyone know if you feed an imped unit to someone else it will move the imps? I'm not about to feed my max'ed maxwell... but my maxed darvanshel would be nice fodder for Elimo.


<WoW Guild Officer>
it does not move the imps.

Oh well.

I'm starting to go through raid battles... but when do I finally start getting a decent amount of drops for Legwand/Malice spheres? RC4? As well, I think I'm gonna start looking at the trials again, as I have cardes and x1 open but haven't attempted them yet. Any suggestions?


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
Cadres bring a unit that can inflict paralyze and curse. X1 bring a bc on hit unit.

You have to farm a shit ton of raids to get the rare drops. They only drop from specific bosses, so Google the crafting mat locations

Leto Eu`Acumen

Oguro seems like an amazing unit to me. Just waiting on more imps - Kikuri, Kanon and Raaga are all 80-90% imped out. Next is Claire, then Oguro. Been a crazy two weeks for me. Retired Maxwell, Fei and Fang and Selena. F&F especially hurt - used them pretty much since they were released. Dropped my beloved Luka and Rowgen about a month ago too. Shera is my only non-7* unit now.
Been a crazy 2 or 3 weeks for me too....Ever since I posted about that lucky (yolo) Aaron I pulled when I had no 50% mitigators at all - since then I've pulled 3 Narza's, a Shera, one of the ones getting a 7 star I can't even remember which, Edea? oh yea, and some unit named Elimo (rawr!!) It is a Breaker, which might be even worse than Oracle for a healer that never nukes, but fuck it lol, I'll take it.

I have units I don't even know what the hell to do with now. I think I'm going to start classifying my units that still need to be promoted to 7 stars by which ones require a Legend Stone and which do not. Legend Stones are going to be the bane of my existence.

I ended up getting 2 Oguro's (one was Anima, Win!), a Feeva, Griel, Grant (seriously, good bb/sbb's but *horrible* DC on normal attack), Sefia, Rize, Ivris, Fadahl...others, I don't remember them. Hell, I even farmed out an Anima Mifune this past week. Got my very first Selena up and running and whippin' ass in the Arena. Promoted Griel over Rosetta in my general purpose groups. Considerably less BC, but much beefier.....Will likely use Oguro as a Raid leader once he is leveled up.

I'm actually a bit overwhelmed with the number of worthwhile units I've picked up recently....Besides Oguro I literally do not even know which to make a priority. Griel and Elimo are already in the rotation...Feeva isn't ready for this Frontier Hunter and I'm not sure what lineup I'd make without much overlap there when she is ready.

It is going to take a while for me to wrap my head around where I am now.

Hell, I even farmed out a Fang with the Fei to upgrade her, but I'm not sure she'd even have a place as a Sub before I ever got to use her heh. Pulled my first Tridon just in time for their 7-star announcement.

Oh yea, and I ended up pulling some rinky-dink 3-star Oracle out of the rare summons gate.....but this low # 3-star ended up being "Knight Will", and I damn near shit myself when I saw what his 7-star version becomes once it is released eventually lol.

I'm just going to hoard any gems I get for a while and not summon for a good 6-8 weeks minimum till I get my shit together with what I have.

I never did get a Raaga/Kanon/Colt/Claire but I have plenty to work with now at least.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Beat x3 with double oguru,elimo, Rowgen, feeva, rize. Not sure it is possible without elimo. What a shitty piece of shit.
What is your take on Rize btw? The damage worth the tradeoff of no real utility? (Must be if she made your x3 group)

I really want to like the Rize I pulled, but I'd be giving something up to use her.


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
I like, but don't love rize. Her lack of utility is a little overstated as her bb is great for single target fights, it does sbb level damage of most units adds a hot and only requires 18 bc to fill. In x3 you need a hot as well as a direct heal to heal back to full when you are getting hit by fei's damage reflect. X3 also has two burn phases where you have to do 10% of the bosses health in a couple of turns or she'll kill 2 or three of your units. I would get rize's ubb ready and then let it go when you hit the threshold.

Eventually her biggest utility for me is going to be the thunder element on a Michele squad.

Michele, melchio, rize, edea, oulu/elimo, bestie friend. Squad has an insane amount of buffs/offense/defense


<WoW Guild Officer>
I like, but don't love rize. Her lack of utility is a little overstated as her bb is great for single target fights, it does sbb level damage of most units adds a hot and only requires 18 bc to fill. In x3 you need a hot as well as a direct heal to heal back to full when you are getting hit by fei's damage reflect. X3 also has two burn phases where you have to do 10% of the bosses health in a couple of turns or she'll kill 2 or three of your units. I would get rize's ubb ready and then let it go when you hit the threshold.

Eventually her biggest utility for me is going to be the thunder element on a Michele squad.

Michele, melchio, rize, edea, oulu/elimo, bestie friend. Squad has an insane amount of buffs/offense/defense
Woooo I can make that squad except for rise. Damn it.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Holy Crap - I didn't notice it myself until I saw a mention on Reddit, but Grahden's 6-star is live....I just checked it, and the Evo is available in-game.

Pretty nice f'n stats too. LS includes +35% to all (damn lol, enough to make me reconsider some of the 7-star leads) And the SBB is "660% Light,dark (AOE) / 6BC Fill 3Turns / Add Light,dark to ATK (ALL) 3Turns" Sheeeeeeeeeit lol. It is expensive at 32 BC, but gods damn...Hits like a truck, BC fill for 3 turns, and adds both Light/Dark? Worth it.

I was using Yujeh for Light/Dark retyping, but Grahdens will replace her just as soon as I can find the "Dark Soul Crystal" to evolve him. Even as a Sub, Grah shits all over Yujeh.

I'm actually excited over this lol. I thought my days of being excited over a 6-star were over o_O wtfg Grah!

Edit: Fuck. Guess his Evo mat isn't live yet even though his evolution is technically live. Still excited.

Leto Eu`Acumen

Retired Maxwell, Fei and Fang and Selena. F&F especially hurt - used them pretty much since they were released. Dropped my beloved Luka and Rowgen about a month ago too. Shera is my only non-7* unit now.
lol...I'll bet you are grateful for all those retired units now with Grand Questing using 4 functional squads. It is funny, you are just retiring your Fei&Fang and I'm just now leveling her/them up. (still a quality sub) ...and I have a Rowgen 1 rank from being battle ready too that I need to finish even though I already have a Tazer (still using him at 6-star when I use him for cost reasons) and Oguro.

I'm not even close to being able to deploy 4 fully functional squads. I've got 2 healers/2 mitigators that are battle-ready (but several more of each I can rank/level up.)...I'm going to 7-star my Oguro later tonight and I've got a Grandt with both his rare evo mats collecting dust I'll rank up. Along with Griel that will give me at least three 7-star 30% HP leads if I want them. I want to make sure Ivris is up and running, but ironically enough, I also can't be focusing just on 7-stars like I'd like....I'll never have the cost to deploy 4 squads unless there are quite a few more 6-stars in the mix than I actually have ranked up and battle ready at the moment.

I was all eager to rush in for Grahden's 6 star evolution mat, but I think it's going to be 2-4 weeks (depending on half-energy vortex time for high-output metal parading) before I can have enough units ready to be able to deploy 4 squads strong enough to handle the stuff.


I have very few battle ready units. My account is pretty hilarious. It wasn't long ago that I was level 40 or so. I started back up right as the first of a series of leveling campaigns became available. I am now like 215 but haven't even attempted the trials past Cardes, just hit Sage in arena, and have like 5 units that I'd call sufficiently imped. I've extensively used maybe 15 units total, with Luka, Fei and Fang, Shera, Rosetta and Rowgen in use for about 75% of my active career.

I haven't been playing long, but that's a long time to be using the same units. Luka especially was hard to let go, as she was my lead for the bulk of my quest completion, and she saw me through all of (what was then available) Grand Gaia, as well as the first four trials. She was also my only staple Anima, and the only (at the time) sufficiently imped unit. There was some battles that were tough at the time that'd conclude hilariously with all of my team save Luka wiped out. She'd be the last one standing and then....LUKA LUKA NIGHT FEVER!!!! Next round, she'd be almost dead, then.... LUKA LUKA NIGHT FEVER!!!! Saved my ass so many times.

But yeah, I don't even have 1 functioning squad atm. I have five units - Raaga, Claire, Shera, Kikuri and Kanon that don't really make the best squad but that are by themselves powerful enough to handle anything I've tried. Need a crit buffer though.


Magnus Deadlift the Fucktiger
My 6* Grah is so close I can taste it. I just have to defeat asshole Mashreen and even with a lot of cost to work with he is a bitch. He one shots light units randomly and two of my max imped units are Raaga and Kira. Fuck that shit.

Leto Eu`Acumen

I have five units - Raaga, Claire, Shera, Kikuri and Kanon that don't really make the best squad but that are by themselves powerful enough to handle anything I've tried. Need a crit buffer though.
I think you understate that group a bit, seems pretty nice to me. Some damn solid units there. I'm a bit envious of Kikuri subs atm. I don't think characters as Subs are given nearly enough attention in discussions/analysis (always so much emphasis on the leadership skills.) ...and Raaga is just full on Beast Mode.

My 6* Grah is so close I can taste it. I just have to defeat asshole Mashreen and even with a lot of cost to work with he is a bitch. He one shots light units randomly and two of my max imped units are Raaga and Kira. Fuck that shit.
Good Luck! Besides that final encounter you are working on yet, how tough would you say it was overall?

I think I'm a lot further off than I estimated last night. When I was doing the math in my head I wasn't even taking into account leveling up all those unranked units SBB's. I have like 20 burst frogs on hand, but I'm going to need (and I counted) about one-million-and-one fodder units to get the job done.

And don't get me started on Spheres lol. I'm still the newb around these parts, but I did manage to craft my very first Malice Jewel last night, along with getting my Anima Oguro 7-star'd and partially imp'd. All-in-all a pretty nice night, but I have a long long way to go yet I think. I do have 5'ish +35% HP spheres, and two +40% HP, in addition to unique vortex spheres and an assortment of Legwands/Medullas and that Malice...a handful of Sol Creators (but those aren't nearly so bad to make). Spheres take up at least a third of my inventory, but most of that isn't really useful.

I was just completely _completely_ unprepared for needing to have 4 squads ready. My squads are a mess atm anyway - I've become far more defensive minded in my squad building over the last several weeks, but that is really hurting my DPS badly. Or maybe I've just pulled shit DPS units lol.


I think you understate that group a bit, seems pretty nice to me. Some damn solid units there. I'm a bit envious of Kikuri subs atm. I don't think characters as Subs are given nearly enough attention in discussions/analysis (always so much emphasis on the leadership skills.) ...and Raaga is just full on Beast Mode.
Oh, it seems like a decent squad to me, too. But really it's just my 5 best units thrown into a squad and it happens to work. Unfortunately, aside from Ogoro and Ivris and Selena, that's the entirety of of my 7* lineup. And aside from Selena (Amina) and Claire (fucking Oracle) literally every one of them is breaker or guardian.

And I agree that too many people fixate on leader skills. Kikuri is craaaaaazy good, yet she's ranked lower than Lilly Matah on that stupid meta list because LM's leader skill is hard to replicate. Kikuri's sbb DOES seem hard to spark with for some reason, so she's sometimes the only one on my squad without a full gauge courtesy of Raaga.

You're actually doing a hell of a lot better than me with spheres


Getting close to my week mark in BF and trying to optimize so I can coast a little bit with questing/arenas. I keep getting my ass kicked in arena, so any advice on which units to use there would be helpful.

Not sure which units to prioritize with evolution and when I bother leveling BB / imping.

Here's my list of "high tier" units most 5 stars but some 4.

Claire, Kira, Feeva, Kanon, Shida, Rowgen, Rize, Rosetta, Shera, Narza, Ivris, Kikuri, Ardin, Sefia, Melchio, Dilma, Zelfaga, Selena, Fiora, Elimo, Semira, Lilith, Tia, Phee, Michele, Jack, Edea, Ophelia, Oguro, Azael, Raaga, Uda, Edea

adding a few: Darvanshel (A), Ulkina (A), Mariudeth (A), Medina (O), Aurelia (G)


A good percentage of the best units in the game are in that list =p. Last I saw you on my friend list you were only like 60 or so, so there's really no telling because you can't really prioritize any of them until you've got enough cost to raise those guys 7* and units like Kanon, Raaga and hell a bunch of others you listed were created with their 7* forms already available, so I don't have any knowledge of their quality in their lower tier forms. Plus, you'll probably have a hell of a lot more when you reach higher levels.

I know when I was leveling up I used the hell out of Uda, Rowgen, Rosetta, Dilma and Michele, but I'd imagine a lot of the new 7* units even in their 5* form will outperform those guys - pretty damn sure Feeva makes Uda irrelevant.

I will tell you that Rosetta and Shera - Shera moreso since you've already got Raaga - are limited to 6* and are still amazing, so I'ddefinitelyprioritize Shera and probably Rowgen too. You'll get a ton of mileage at relatively low cost with their 6* forms. I seriously almost wish I was in your position - I miss that rapid and consistent influx of gems so much and you're already ahead of me in terms of units because now is one hell of a good time to have a massive supply of gems.

edit: sorry for so many edits


And be careful with those tier lists. Selena for example is really good right now, but she sucks balls until you get her to 7*. A lot of older units that have new 7* forms are like that.