Brave Frontier


Golden Squire
Quite a few units have BB/SBB debuffs. The problem is that many things are immune, bosses in particular. And most of the time if a boss is susceptible to a debuff, the units available that could apply said debuff aren't worth the bits they're coded in. That's why Shida is about to become one of the greatest units in the game. It's all the debuffs in a single unit with a high chance of landing.


Mr. Poopybutthole
edit: also does anyone know of a list of spheres that are worth keeping? i still have most of the ones from the arena and some other various spheres laying about that are taking up precious item space...
I'm still trying to figure out what's really worthwhile myself.

Sol Creators and Amanohabakens are the easy ones. You should aim for 5 of both. Legwands, the GGC spheres, and TotG's spheres as well. Evil Shards are definitely worth keeping, as are any spark spheres (Steeple Rose and Heavenly Bud). Omni Gizmo is useful. I see lots of people using Death Axes.

A poison inflicting sphere is useful for the green slime, but outside of that is probably useless. Probably a good idea to keep at least one or two Thief items around (whichever is your best (Cloak > Gloves).

Outside of those, though, I really don't know. I have so many that seem like they might be useful and are hard to get (FH or Arena), but I don't know that I've ever used.


God damnit, getting sick of having a connection time out at about 50% of the connection screens, gotta wait like 1 minute press OK on the error, then it works instantly.

It's especially stupid if it happens when you're fusing stuff, cuase you get a bug where you can't fuse units untill you restart the game.


I'm still trying to figure out what's really worthwhile myself.

Sol Creators and Amanohabakens are the easy ones. You should aim for 5 of both. Legwands, the GGC spheres, and TotG's spheres as well. Evil Shards are definitely worth keeping, as are any spark spheres (Steeple Rose and Heavenly Bud). Omni Gizmo is useful. I see lots of people using Death Axes.

A poison inflicting sphere is useful for the green slime, but outside of that is probably useless. Probably a good idea to keep at least one or two Thief items around (whichever is your best (Cloak > Gloves).

Outside of those, though, I really don't know. I have so many that seem like they might be useful and are hard to get (FH or Arena), but I don't know that I've ever used.
ugh, i was fortunate enough to have an angelic foil already to craft into one amanohabaken, i have two muramasas so i guess crafting one more shouldn't be too much trouble, and have enough mats to make at least two more muramasas

well i 2 gemmed selena; once because i was careless at the beginning and didn't use all of the fujin tonics/potions, and once when she aoe'd to death everyone but my narza.
1 gemmed eze because i got him down to like 15% and was too lazy to want to do it all over again.

so now all that's left is for me to finish vriksha and start farming for mats, imps, bb fodder and maxing out some of the units i pulled during the most wanted rate up. i'm going to have to use the google docs template that was posted in here earlier to help with prioritizing.

right now i really wish i hadn't sphere frogged my altri because now i have to choose between maxwell and zelnite... i would think zelnite would be more useful with bb gauge manipulation with a sol creator, but then i could max damage with maxwell...

edit: on a side note, this game and the 1st year anniversary event has given my Galaxy S4 a thorough thrashing. I think my battery needs to be replaced, and the backlighting for the bottom third of the screen flickers when the screen dims a bit. although the screen issue i think is because i had it replaced and i'm pretty sure the shop that replaced it used an aftermarket part...


<Prior Amod>
maxwell, you only get 1 anyway, dump all your imps on her too. unless you have an anima zelnite you could still pull 1 and have buyers remorse.

btw how many spheres you use? if you did last fh and this fh, you should have access to 5 sphere frogs.


4 frogs. Wasn't able to score one last FH


Ahn'Qiraj Raider
maxell has a low imp cap so he maxes faster. Doesn't matter which you sphere first if you have both. You'll likely be able to stomp the first tier of raids when they come out.


Mr. Poopybutthole
I've got Maxwell, Zelnite, Elza, Kuda, and Darvanshel sphere frogged, and still need to do the last sphere frog dungeon. Not even bothering to do the dungeon though because I don't really have any units Iwantto use it on. I'll probably save it for the latest batch that JP got.

I think after I finish item farming today (should be able to get my Sol Creators and Amanohabakens finished) I'll be spending the weekend leveling BB's. After that, I uh...guess I may take a break from BF?

Current units:BF Units - Google Sheets


<Prior Amod>
I just did agni last for the sphere frog, had 40 energy and was going to bed anyway. (so essentially all content beat)

if you have darv/healer, pretty standard.

i sphere darv/maxwell/zelnite/ulkina, debating if i want to use my last one on kuda (or khula she's an anima)

got tons of bb fodder to work on, ulkina/kuhla/narza/arius/zellha/rowgen(2)/vargas/faris

i still burst frog at 9/10, unless i'm stuck at 7 and i look at my 30 burst frogs and say fuck it, RNG sucks sometimes.

I've done my 5 sol creators, 3 amabahshits and just waiting for gifts in the mail for the rest.

I've also pruned my friends list to 95% everyday gifting, I let a few slide during FH when they had maxwell leads, now that, that is over, fuck em, lazy bastards.


<Prior Amod>
excel, write down all the names and have a column for each day. accept gifts once or twice a day, individually.

usually have spreadsheets open on home/work computer anyway.

i do it for my account and the alt ipad account. the alt ipad account had like 25% daily gifters, now it's 90% too.

If anyone has a better system, i'm all open.


Damn, used my 4th Anniversary (500 point) ticket, and pulled Anima Elza... too bad I already sphere frogged my Guardian Elza, lol..


Damn, used my 4th Anniversary (500 point) ticket, and pulled Anima Elza... too bad I already sphere frogged my Guardian Elza, lol..
this feel... i know this feel... pulled a guardian elza the day before the most wanted rate up, during the rate up i pulled 3 elzas. breaker, anima, lord. RNGsus has a twisted sense of humor


Mr. Poopybutthole
It's not really a bad thing. It's the same reason I suggest anyone with more than one Darvanshel level them both up. If we ever get raids and grand quests, you'll want 2 of the really strong units.


So is the unit from the new vortex any good? Saw it was open and wrecked all three levels. I really hope new RS unit wasn't intended to make that vortex easier... shit was a joke. All I did was replace Zel with Mari in my main squad and I took more damage from level 2's Dragon Graeven Who got off one attack than I did for entire L3 boss fight.


Silver Knight of the Realm
Are you just fucked without a Darvenshal? I have an Oulu and Narza but no Darvenshal.


<Prior Amod>
No both oulu and narza are great, it's just that darvenshal does dmg as well, whereas those 2 do not, so he adds to sparks/bc gen. Also darv can be either single target bb or multi target sbb, so pretty versatile.

but i wouldn't use a sphere frog on either of them.


Mr. Poopybutthole
The biggest advantage of Darvanshel is that he does damage, so that you can push bosses past hp thresholds while having everyone guarding and with mitigation. But you can still get by with having 1 unit do that by itself.