But let's go down this rabbit hole. What if we had good, solid scientific evidence that says that the overwhelming majority of black people are, biologically and neurologically speaking, good for nothing but being slaves? (People actually believed this.)
Just because the science supports this, does that suddenly make slavery a good idea? No, it doesn't, because human beings are different from animals. We have the capacity to self-examine, we have the capacity to examine our societies, and we have the capacity to change both ourselves and our societies. We've evolved as a species far faster than biological evolutionary forces would normally allow animals to evolve specifically because our brain has given us the ability tooverride our biology.You can call this a moral argument if you want to.
My other argument against sweeping generalizations about gender or race or whatever is a purely pragmatic one. Any statistical generalizations about an entire gender having some number of percentage point greater/lesser propensity for A vs B does not take into account the uniqueness of a given individual's ability, and it's the contributions of unique individuals that propel the species forward. We have countless historical examples of important works or ideas being suppressed or dismissed because of someone's race, sex or class.
No, we're not all created exactly equal, but when we treat each other as such, society works a whole lot better.