A "legitimate criticism warrior". I was tired of how lazily "SJW" gets thrown around these days (Edit: See above), I thought it needed a counter-group.
It's not bad to demand more from mainstream media, Lith, I never said it was. But I'm sure you know as well as (if not better than) anyone that if there's anything we know about mainstream media it's that it will not necessarily cover all sides of any given story, regardless of what their mission statement is. When Jeff Gerstmann was fired for a bad review, that was pretty telling of how flawed gaming journalism can be. But even that story didn't get a fraction of the attention that either Sarkeesian or Quinn got, despite neither of their stories being anywhere near as significant as a journalist being fired for giving an honest critique. So why NOW are all of these LCWs coming out of the woodwork? Because Sarkeesian misrepresented a video game in her feminist video? Because Quinn cheated on her boyfriend? Give me a fucking break. It's because a bunch of sexist assholes got a chance to create a bogeyman and they're gonna milk all they can out of it. That's literally the only reason we are even talking about this right now. If it wasn't for them, Sarkeesian and Quinn would not have gotten a fraction of the attention they did, and mainstream media would have been more than comfortable talking about how some of Sarkeesian's points are flawed.
Sure, but it happens all the time. All the fucking time. I ask you again to consider why these particular cases are getting so much attention. Heck, maybe after everyone gets sick of talking about how shitty sexist assholes are, mainstream media will engage in constructive criticism about Sarkeesian's videos.
1.) You keep saying the mainstream media doesn't cover all sides, Tan. And that's true, of INDIVIDUAL sources within the media. But luckily, broader media is composed (In the U.S.) of at least 6 different conglomerates; and dozens of subsidiaries that are often purposely made antagonistic to each other so said companies can appeal to broader markets. (For example, some conglomerates own both Conservative and Liberal papers--because they want the whole market). The point is, size in the "main stream" media often denotes that "another side" will get made up; even if a story really doesn't have one. (Benghazi. Obama's Birth Place ect). The "main stream" media has entertained and investigated crazy "counter angles".
I will accuse the mainstream media of a lot--but one thing they are pretty decent about is not having a combined narrative. If you don't believe me, just look at the radically different takes on the Israeli situation; and then look at how people judge the media of it. (Half of them say the Media is Zionist controlled propaganda; while the other half say it's liberal rags protecting genocidal maniacs that want to exterminate jews.)...So I'm nto sure where you get this absurd notion that this is prevalent in broader media. The reality is that BECAUSE the gaming media is a VERY tiny sector compared to other media markets--it has the flaw of being incredibly incestuous and prone to peer group pressure.
2.) The fact that Quinn Cheated on her boyfriend OR the fact that there are people commenting about Anita being disingenuous with her origins--once more, does not give the media a blank check to avoid criticism. Again, I don't know what makes you think that is relevant. IF those fringe elements are enough for the media to notice, and then "plan" a course of action--then they obviously have enough experience on the subject to ALSO know the legitimate criticisms; and there is no excuse to avoid those.
3.) Engagement>Silence. Once more, the ETHICS these Journalists adhere promote open and civil discussion. YOU, and even I, may believe Anita's origin is completely irrelevant to the conversation. But that does NOT mean there should be silence on the subject. Critics should WRITE why they feel that way, they should expose the flaws in that thinking. COMBINED with that, they should ALSO delve into other areas of criticism. Understand, Tan? The existence of ONE variable does not preclude the commentary on all variables. Also, even if that variable is something you find "repugnant"; it STILL should be addressed. Do you not feel the general readership of a magazine/paper is mature enough to read about the critiques of Antia's motivation, listen to the authors arguments, and then make up their own mind? A magazines job is to present the truth as they see it NOT hide the truth they feel is "bad".
Edit: Fucking board ate my post.
4.) The reason why this is "happening now" is because women in the industry, in positions of critique, observation and development/production ARE NEW. Less than 2% of the people in the industry are women, Tan. Think of all the youtube commenter with more than a quarter million viewers? NONE of them are women except for Anita. So THAT is why this is "happening now" because women are literally a new development. We've had, on this board, multiple threads where companies like EA have been criticized, vehemently, for their corruption of various journalists. Over on 4chan, stuff like that gets posted ALL the time. And guess what? Where there are legitimate problems? The gaming media has been good about calling each other out; and reporting on it. THAT is what's different about this. ALSO, the gaming media didn't stop criticizing companies like EA, or Sony of MS because their CEO's, developers and other workers were being harassed or because hackers brought down their service. The gaming media, actually, you know, decided to write articles exposing the "hackers" as bad people
ANDthen went on to continue to expose legitimate criticisms of the companies AND the people working within them.
Listen, Tan--Just as the gamers must learn to accommodate, accept and work with women in positions of authority and criticism; so to must journalists. This is a new area for BOTH parties. And the "gaming media" must realize that. The flaws of Anita can't be treated differently than the flaws of anything else in the gaming sphere--sorry, that's not how it works. But because this is a NEW development, there are problems with that--and that's why you're seeing this "now".
In the meantime, anybody who gives even a bit of a shit has incredibly easy access to such criticism elsewhere. And if they don't care enough to look, their opinions don't matter.
The irony here is that gaming journalism itself spawned from the blogopshere in part because of sentiment like this, where major companies refused to cover new culture or other things because it was "beneath" them. It's hilarious watching the same knife that struck the first blow against standard press journalism now be fumbled right into the belly of online journalism. Anyway, this is kind of an aside; but I just wanted to point out why your stance (And indeed, the media's) is so ironic to me.
Everybody wins. Again, I'm not chastising you for demanding more from mainstream, but I am chastising you for using "sexism" as the reason why mainstream media is doing exactly what mainstream media has always done and will always do. We are lucky enough to live in an age where the mainstream does not dictate what we choose to expose ourselves to, which is more than we could say pre-internet (when mainstream media was just as shitty). You're just choosing (for reasons unknown to me that I will not speculate about) to somehow see what's going on as evidence of sexism protecting women. As a gamer with an interest in both media and gender issues, I just don't see it. Nobody's made a decent case for it yet. What can I tell you?
How about because major editors have LITERALLY said it? Fuck Tan, if I got an editor to sit down and tell you "it's because X" would you still find a reason to argue?
And if you say "bu bu bu he said harassment! Not against women" I once more, refer to you to Smedley, Brad Mcquaid or once more Jack Thompson.
Again, Tan. It's not an illogical leap. They've admitted their coverage is biased due to harassment; they've admitted to NOT entertaining or investigating coverage due to harassment. We ALSO have evidence that they don't treat harassment of males the same. The part that blows my mind with you is that you are SO quick to attribute the harassment itself to sexism; infarct, you will not even entertain the idea that it could be just due to blind idiocy of the trolls; which is universal between men and women (Remember, I did admit it COULD be sexism)....But you COMPLETELY dismiss, regardless of evidence, any chance the media could be biased by gender.
It's astounding; HOW can you contain that level of cognitive dissonance? (But I think the HUGE irony here is that you watch Anita's videos on Damsels. I illustrate with multiple examples the difference in coverage based on the gender of the harassment victim--and you completely write off any sexism inherent in the coverage. LOL; come on Tan. Come on...Why are you applying these beliefs differently based on the product of their application?)