It does work both ways and, yes, I too enjoy sexual carte blanche. I just don't use mine as much as my wife uses hers. What's important isequality of opportunity, not outcome.
Has to be a troll. HAS to be.
Whenever I tell someone I stay home with the kids, they invariably say, "Hardest work in the world." They say this because the only way to account for a man at home with the kids is to say what he's doing is hard work. But there's a subtext in the compliment that makes it backhanded: We both know no one ever says it to a woman.
My wife commented on this lol. When she was home for a few years with the kids?
Everyman she ever talked to who learned she was a stay at home mom said this to her. Every fucking time, she got a line "oh, I wouldn't want your job.." Or "I can't believe how hard that work is" or "Your kids/husband are so lucky" (All the cliches. I personally give her the Bill Burr routine

lol, but I agree, I loved coming in and doing no house work, between that and the kids and dinner; she did have a difficult job.)
The only people who ever never said anything to her, or gave her a back handed snide remark? Were other
women. The example she gave was when she went to school functions (She was homeroom mother when our kids started school)...Whenever a working mom came in, they would say, almost consistently when they asked what she did and she responded with stay at home mom..."Oh...Well, I wish I could stay home and do whatever." or if they saw she helped the kids make something the compliment was "Oh, if I stayed home I could do this...But some of us have to work..
Le sigh".
In any case, the only ones who were catty with her were other mothers.