Ah yes, the fun corners you can back SJWs into. So you're implicitly suggesting homosexuality is a mental illness too then, right?
"Irregularity" works better than "illness" when describing homosexuality, since there's no harm in being attracted to the same sex. Plus, we've got lots and lots of gays whose actions don't impact us (or our children) in any way. Pedophilia involves desires that, with very good reason, society has decided can not be acted upon.
You are as good as "born with" murder if you're born a psychopath, as their neural pathways prevent the ability to feel empathy, hence a large portion of convicted murders are diagnosed psychopaths.
Yeah, you can be born with the inability to feel empathy. That's not what murder is. If a psychopath murders somebody, he is still responsible and must answer for his actions. How many convicted psychopaths get told "It's not your fault" and get set free to murder again consequence-free?
So why are we flying in 3 different directions at once here? The initial claim was "Soon the mainstream will be calling pedophilia a mental illness!!!", to which I asked a very simple "Isn't it?" Abe then made the supremely idiotic statement that if we even
acknowledgepedophilia as a mental illness, we are not only condoning the raping of children but we are allowing people to not be held responsible for murdering others. Oh, and anyone who even suggests that pedophilia is a mental illness is a pedophile. That's pants-on-head retarded, even by Rerolled standards.
There are 2 reasons why nobody's jumping down Abe's throat for being an idiot:
1) Pedophiles are a group society still allows everyone to enthusiastically demonize. We consider them the lowest of the low and have no problem dehumanizing them so we can go on about what scum they are. They're so low we don't even have to discuss them rationally, basically.
2) Chance for Tanoomba dogpile??? COUNT ME IN!
I mean, if it's not a mental illness, what the fuck is it? A conscious decision to be so evil that you will be passionately hated by everyone who will ever know you? "Shit, my life is boring. I know! I'll fuck kids!" Give me a break.