Vyemm Raider
well adjusted people?

Enjoy your slavery. Hope you get to be a house American Inventor instead of a field American Inventor.
well adjusted people?
They're notallgoblins.MGTOW? Are those the fat goblins nobody wants, so they pretend they're in control of the situation and "swear off" girls?
Exactly. Actually going your own way is one thing. Who gives a fuck what someone wants to do with their own life? Joining a club full of neckbearded faggots and proselytizing about it is so cringey.Well, if my current marriage for some reason doesn't work out, I won't be looking for another one. As I get older and my sex drive wanes, I doubt I'll feel compelled to anyway. Especially now that I've already had children. Enjoying 100% of my time & income for myself would be fucking life changing.
Still, I won't be caught dead joining some faggy club for angry dudes.
Thirding this. I ain't gonna judge anyone for choosing to be single. The judging starts when you start tossing around 'Tradcon' like you've had some great revelation.Exactly. Actually going your own way is one thing. Who gives a fuck what someone wants to do with their own life? Joining a club full of neckbearded faggots and proselytizing about it is so cringey.
This is what I said about gamergaters freaking out over Sarkeesian and it was just as true.The guy by all appearances is just a troll trying to get hits for ad revenue and to sell some of his shitty e-books to other basement dwellers. All the SJWs are doing by freaking the fuck out is raising his profile.
Peddle. Jesus Bisi.Let me know when Roosh V is invited to the UN to pedal his bullshit
Fucking chicks man. What the fuck?
Good to see rape culture is alive and well in Canada as wellFucking chicks man. What the fuck?
Jian Ghomeshi trial: Lucy DeCoutere wrote accused that she wanted to have sex with him after alleged assault - CBC News : canada
Note: This is a re-post.
The mods deleted my thread after having 482 comments because they didn't like my title which was a quote from the article. So I'm posting it back with the exact CBC article title at 9:20 pm ET (2016-02-05).
Huh, he opted for a bench trial.