Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...


Pronouns: zie/zhem/zer
<Bronze Donator>
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Jive Turkey

On the talk radio station this afternoon, the female host talked about how Adele is taking 10 years off from touring to raise her kid and how wonderful that is. I shit you not, in the VERY next segment, she's talked about how women workers in Canada with a Masters degree made more than those without, but she lamented that it was still less than the average man made last year.... Some people just can't join the dots
  • 1Jew
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Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
On the talk radio station this afternoon, the female host talked about how Adele is taking 10 years off from touring to raise her kid and how wonderful that is. I shit you not, in the VERY next segment, she's talked about how women workers in Canada with a Masters degree made more than those without, but she lamented that it was still less than the average man made last year.... Some people just can't join the dots
The plural of anecdote is not statistics.
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Jive Turkey

The plural of anecdote is not statistics.


The point is that the entire reason the "wage gap" exists is because women take time off work or put more emphasis on kids and family than men do. You can't praise a woman for taking time off to raise her kid then complain about the wage gap in the very next breath. Try to keep up, Mist
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<Bronze Donator>

Chelsie Haunani Fairchild, who described herself as Polynesian and a native Hawaiian, said the costume was an example of cultural appropriation. It was wrong to sell a costume that allowed children to pretend to be another race, she said.

How many polynesians do you know named Chelsie or Fairchild? Whether you got that last name via birth or marriage, sounds like cultural appropriation to me!
  • 1Jew
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<Prior Amod>
How many polynesians do you know named Chelsie or Fairchild? Whether you got that last name via birth or marriage, sounds like cultural appropriation to me!
is this a trans thing?

Native Hawaii'an just means that his/her/it's white parents lived in Hawaii and it's mom popped it out on Hawaii'an soil.
  • 1Jew
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