Butthurt white guys, an Asian virgin and an angry lesbian walk into a bar...

Mario Speedwagon

Gold Recognition
<Prior Amod>
Dude, nobody's forcing you to do anything. If you don't want to admit that being a white male puts you at the top of the privileged list, then don't. Just don't complain when people see you as an asshole.
See? This is why "privilege" is bullshit. It's not about examining social dynamics. The only thing that matters is that white men are on the top. Trying to extend the argument to other people is deemed "pointless bullshit" and will probably get you called an asshole and a racist.


Shit Lord Supreme
Dude, nobody's forcing you to do anything. If you don't want to admit that being a white male puts you at the top of the privileged list, then don't. Just don't complain when people see you as an asshole.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
being a white male puts you at the top of the privileged list
You keep repeating that, but you don't substantiate for shit. Provide a list of the privileges of different groups, then you will have better odds to convince people.
For someone claiming to be so smart, you sure fail to notice that your statement is not self evident given you keep getting eyerolls from nearly all other posters.


See? This is why "privilege" is bullshit. It's not about examining social dynamics. The only thing that matters is that white men are on the top. Trying to extend the argument to other people is deemed "pointless bullshit" and will probably get you called an asshole and a racist.
Yes, dude. If you think black people and white people have equivalent advantages on the same playing field, you're at least an asshole and possibly a racist.
You can't say asshole shit and then be pissed when people call you an asshole. But hey, if you join an MRA group I'm sure you can work together to add that to your list of privileges.

Besides, and I can't believe I haven't brought this up yet, it's not like the "check your privilege" movement has affected any of your lives in any way at all. The lot of you can keep your heads in the sand and continue jerking each other off and there will be literally zero consequences for you, except for the offense you take at peopledaringto insinuate that you had any advantages you didn't craft with your own bare hands, dammit! As if what offends you is worth a shit. Worse than the shit religious groups get offended at, really. At least they're not as whiny.


Tranny Chaser
You know, Trollface tried this same argument before. He even had a blue chart showing all the ways men's lives were so much harder than women's. It was a bitter, humiliating defeat for him, but by all means feel free to try that approach again. Gotta learn from our mistakes and all that.
Aw shit Pooksie Boo, you done messed up. You think I'm saying that men have it harder. You actually think that is my argument. Here everyone is prattling on about genderthisand racethatwhen what everything thing comes down is money. The financier class of this little oligarchy we've got going loves watching the rabble scrap over who was spooned the bigger ladle of gruel . Everything sucks for almost everyone if you aren't rich and connected. The whole thing is absurd beyond measure. Macro trends like monetary policy, debt, privacy, the rise of the police state, the internet, and the climate alldwarfthis pathetic Sociology 201 wank.



Aw shit Pooksie Boo, you done messed up. You think I'm saying that men have it harder. You actually think that is my argument. Here everyone is prattling on about genderthisand racethatwhen what everything thing comes down is money. The financier class of this little oligarchy we've got going loves watching the rabble scrap over who was spooned the bigger ladle of gruel . Everything sucks for almost everyone if you aren't rich and connected. The whole thing is absurd beyond measure. Macro trends like monetary policy, debt, privacy, the rise of the police state, the internet, and the climate alldwarfthis pathetic Sociology 201 wank.
if THAT'S your point, I have zero argument. You're absolutely right.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
People aren't offended or defensive. You make a claim so people ask you to substantiate it.

It's the same thing when Merlin talks of the budget in the Political thread or Lumie about lizardpeople. People tell them to substantiate their wild claims, not because they are offended, defensive or have weak egos, it's because they can't just make their own reality and truth and have people accept it just because they said so.

Same goes for you. You aren't special and you don't get to just create your own truth without backing it. That's how grown ups talk: if you make a statement that isn't self evident (given the reactions you get here, it should be obvious to you by now that no, your claim is not self evident) then expect to be asked to provide supporting information to that statement.


Shit Lord Supreme
Hismale, Female-studies Liberal Arts Professor told him it was this way, meanwhile his Professor was banging half of his class.


Silver Baronet of the Realm
I am an asshole. This thread is fucking pointless. Go back to goddamn tumblr.


People aren't offended or defensive. You make a claim so people ask you to substantiate it.

It's the same thing when Merlin talks of the budget in the Political thread or Lumie about lizardpeople. People tell them to substantiate their wild claims, not because they are offended, defensive or have weak egos, it's because they can't just make their own reality and truth and have people accept it just because they said so.

Same goes for you. You aren't special and you don't get to just create your own truth without backing it. That's how grown ups talk: if you make a statement that isn't self evident (given the reactions you get here, it should be obvious to you by now that no, your claim is not self evident) then expect to be asked to provide supporting information to that statement.
See, these claims are self evident to people who aren't assholes. Mist gets it, Louis CK gets it, liberals get it, academics get it, women get it, non-whites get it, even lots of white people get it! Basically everyone gets it except entitled white guys who are easily offended. The same can not be said for lizard people.


Eeyore Enthusiast
<Gold Donor>
"Fewer than ten percent of the people in the area I serve are black but over 90 per cent of my clients are black."

Guy doesn't mention that it's because many whites never even get charged with crimes they commit.

"A black man will never call me Mr. Smith; I am always "Mike." It is not unusual for a 19-year-old black to refer to me as "dog." A black may mumble complaints about everything I say, and roll his eyes when I politely interrupt so I can continue with my explanation. Also, everything I say to blacks must be at about the third-grade level. If I slip and use adult language, they get angry because they think I am flaunting my superiority."

All of this would also be true of many rural whites.


Tranny Chaser
There it is again, this separation of white women from the white racial distinction. White women are fuckingmega-privilegedand somehow they get to stand on the outside with the minorities?

Fuck all that. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing minorities that white women were part of their group.


Still a Music Elitist
You only included Mist because you know she's a woman. She hasn't even posted much in this thread. You're giving her credibility on the fact that she's a woman. You're the worst. Check that privilege.


(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<Bronze Donator>
See, these claims are self evidentto people who aren't assholes. Mist gets it,Louis CK gets it, liberals get it, academics get it, women get it, non-whites get it, even lots of white people get it! Basically everyone gets it except entitled white guys who are easily offended. The same can not be said for lizard people.
Dude, if the best you can come up with is that it is safer for white people to use time machines, therefore their are privileged, then truly you are hopeless.

All you got to support your assertion is a gut feeling, an emotion, you feel it is right.
You simply cannot factually support it.

That is why you aren't taken seriously. You're entrenched in your position, but you have no idea how or why you are there. You can't provide any reason for it; all you have is an emotional investment in that position and your ego and self identity depends on it.

No wonder you fall back on name calling so often.


Shit Lord Supreme
There it is again, this separation of white women from the white racial distinction. White women are fuckingmega-privilegedand somehow they get to stand on the outside with the minorities?

Fuck all that. The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing minorities that white women were part of their group.
I like what you're doing here, this clearly deserves its own thread.